Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.
4.2 out of 5 stars5 stars58%4 stars12%3 stars19%2 stars6%1 star3%31 ratings31 Ketogenic low carbKetogenic low carb90% Fat9% Protein1% Carbs1 g carbs / serving Easy 5 + 15 m5 minutes preparation15 minutes cooking time This may seem a bit odd, but trust us that this is nothing short of a brilliant dish when you're not in the mood for cooking. Use it as a spread for seed crackers or slices of cucumber and you'll have a great snack or a light breakfast or lunch. Full recipe → The post Egg Butter appeared first on Diet Doctor.[Read More ...]
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Egg Butter was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet