Follow Kris as he takes you and himself through a 12-week transformation. You've got a tough shoulders, calves, and abs workout lined up, but Kris also talks about cutting calories in your diet!
THE KETOGENIC EDGE COOKBOOK: A Training Manual for Low-Carb, Ketogenic, and Paleo Cuisine -
The usefulness of protein powders doesn't end with shakes. Today, you're going to learn about other ways to use protein in your diet, so you'll have healthy workout fuel no matter where you are!
Adding more protein into a diet has been shown in numerous studies to help people lose fat and build muscle. Here's what you need to know about the most popular protein supplement, whey!
5.0 out of 5 stars5 stars100%4 stars0%3 stars0%2 stars0%1 star0%2 ratings Dr. Rosedale is a true pioneer of the low-carb movement, early on highlighting the role of insulin and leptin in diseases. He’s also been passionately interested in protein and the biology of aging for decades.In this interview, he talks about how type 2 diabetes can be seen as a model for accelerated aging. So whatever reverses type 2 diabetes – and several things can help doing that, beyond low carb – can possibly slow the aging process. Dr. Rosedale also talks about his early experiences as a low-carb doctor, methods for life extension and what it’s like working in India, trying to make a meaningful impact in the middle of an enormous epidemic of obesity and diabetes. Watch a segment above (transcript). The full video is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership: Insulin, Protein and How to Slow Aging – Dr. Ron Rosedale Join free for a month to get instant access... [Read More ...]
Team Diet Doctor member Jenni Calihan, founder of Eat the Butter, just gave a TEDx talk, and you can watch it above. The topic is the benefits of real, whole, full-fat foods to families everywhere. Here’s the description: The revolution starts in your grocery cart. How we eat affects our health, but in our battle against obesity and diabetes, we seem to have forgotten what everyone seemed to know just a few short generations ago: how to eat a healthy diet. We’re charmed by vintage decor; now we can be armed with vintage eating. A return to real, whole, full-fat foods, with fewer sugars and processed starches, is the easiest — and most delicious way back to health and wellness. Jenni Calihan is the founder of Eat the Butter, a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading the word about real-food-more-fat eating. Help us ignite a mother-to-mother movement to combat chronic disease. Continue Reading → The post Take Back Your Plate – Team Diet Doctor Member Gives TEDx... [Read More ...]
The popular low-carb side dish ‘cauliflower rice‘ is stirring up some fury in the rice industry. More and more consumers are swapping the latter for the former, so rice producers want to make the term ‘cauliflower rice’ illegal: Only rice is rice, and calling ‘riced vegetables’ ‘rice,’ is misleading and confusing to consumers. We may be asking the Food and Drug Administration and other regulatory agencies to look at this. – Betsy Ward, President of the industry lobby USA Rice QUARTZ: The Rice Industry Is Furious at the Existence of “Cauliflower Rice” If you’re one of these people who love the delicious vegetable, make sure to check out our top cauliflower recipes below. Continue Reading → The post Popular Low-Carb Vegetable Infuriating the Rice Industry appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
4.5 out of 5 stars5 stars65%4 stars22%3 stars8%2 stars0%1 star3%84 ratings84 Moderate low carbModerate low carb78% Fat14% Protein8% Carbs5 g carbs / serving Medium 10 + 20 m10 minutes preparation20 minutes cooking time Crunchy. Salty. Dippable. These fries are low-carb's answer to both "eat your vegetables," and "keep everybody happy." Before you know it, the kids will be asking for eggplant. Who knew? Full recipe → The post Eggplant Fries appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
A generous and relaxed buffet is the perfect thing when you’re entertaining. The food can be prepared ahead of time and most guests will appreciate having the option of picking and choosing a plate full of their personal favorites. In this post, you’ll find our suggestions for a wonderful low-carb buffet. What do you like to serve when feeding a crowd? Low-Carb Buffet Ideas The post Need Inspiration for Low-Carb Entertaining? appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
5.0 out of 5 stars5 stars100%4 stars0%3 stars0%2 stars0%1 star0%2 ratings How can experts keep saying that butter is dangerous, when there’s no scientific support left?Science-writer Nina Teicholz recently stirred up much controversy with an article harshly criticizing the current dietary guidelines in a prestigious medical journal, the British Medical Journal. No less than 180 old-school experts came out to urge the journal to retract the article. However, the BMJ decided to stand behind her words, as they reflected current science – a big step in the right direction. But why are dietary guidelines still stuck in the past? Why is the process of basing the dietary guidelines on solid science so slow? And is there something to be done about it? Teicholz knows the answers better than perhaps anyone, and in this interview she explains them. Watch a segment above (transcript). The full video is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership: Our Dietary... [Read More ...]
Our popular low-carb meal-plan tool gives you everything you need to succeed on low carb. Meal plans, recipes and shopping lists – no planning required! Adjust and skip any meal – and the recipes and shopping lists adapt.We now have 40 low-carb meal plans available – including keto, moderate, vegetarian, dairy-free and favorites – we’re adding at least one new plan every week. Here’s this week’s new plan: Low Carb On a Budget This week’s meal plan really has it all! It’s fresh, varied, filling and also affordable. It will help you stay below 25 grams of carbs as well. Full meal plan → Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun More Our low-carb meal plan service is free to try out for a month Learn more about the low-carb meal plan service A low-carb diet for beginners Continue Reading → The post New Low-Carb Meal Plan on a Budget appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
Before and after A couple of months ago we wrote about Linda, her new type 2 diabetes diagnosis and the initial success with low carb. But that was just the beginning. This is what has happened to Linda after that: Continue Reading → The post “I Own My Life and I Have Decided to Live Long and Well!” appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
4.4 out of 5 stars5 stars64%4 stars23%3 stars5%2 stars5%1 star2%39 ratings1,180 views Here’s another benefit of low-carb diets that people don’t talk about much. It can save a LOT of money, particularly if you’re on certain medications, like diabetes and blood pressure medications.In this interview Dr. Eric Sodicoff talks about his experiences treating patients with low-carb nutrition as an internal medicine doctor. Watch a new segment above (transcript). The full video is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership: “People Don’t Want to Be on Medication” – Dr. Eric Sodicoff Join free for a month to get instant access to this and hundreds of other low-carb TV videos. Plus Q&A with experts and our awesome low-carb meal planner service. Continue Reading → The post How to Save Money on Low Carb appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
I recently listened to an American comedian, who in a sketch was advising a man whose girlfriend had just left him to let her go. “She’s not worth it” she told him. There was one thing she said really struck a chord with me. “There are only two places on this earth where you’ll have peace. Your grave and your house.” If you can’t have peace in your house “then there’s something wrong”. And she’s right. And it’s not just whom you decide to make your life partner that impacts on your sense of well-being, but the friends you have round, the food you put in your fridge and even how much time you sleep has most significant impact on your health. And your ‘house’ is not the building you live in – but the body you inhabit too. A few weeks ago myself and two eminent cardiologists wrote an editorial in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. We called for a complete shift in the focus away from an obsession of lowering cholesterol through diet and drugs... [Read More ...]
4.5 out of 5 stars5 stars73%4 stars13%3 stars7%2 stars4%1 star0%246 ratings246 Ketogenic low carbKetogenic low carb79% Fat20% Protein2% Carbs2 g carbs / serving Easy 5 + 15 m5 minutes preparation15 minutes cooking time Pancakes for dinner? Why not... Ready in minutes and super satisfying, these keto delights work for any meal. So fire up a warm skillet and get cooking! Full recipe → The post Maria’s Pancakes appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
Taking cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins) offers no benefits for people over 65 who do not already have heart disease, a new intervention study finds. In fact, it looks like taking statins may even shorten their lives! Here’s an interesting comment on the study from Dr. Ross Walker: The first line of the Hippocratic Oath states, “First, do no harm.” The excessive prescription of statins is certainly an extremely good example of where the medical profession can cause more harm than good. Dr. Ross Walker: Statin Use in Older People JAMA Internal Medicine: Effect of Statin Treatment vs Usual Care on Primary Cardiovascular Prevention Among Older Adults Continue Reading → The post New Study: Taking Statins to Prevent Heart Disease May Shorten the Lives of People over 65 appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
4.4 out of 5 stars5 stars67%4 stars18%3 stars6%2 stars4%1 star2%43 ratings2,483 views Charlotte Summers, one of the creators of the low-carb program at, talks about the initiative, the results people get and what it’s like going against conventional advice.Watch a segment above (transcript). The full video is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership: Get Onboard the 10-Week Low-Carb Journey – Charlotte Summers Join free for a month to get instant access to this and hundreds of other low-carb TV videos. Plus Q&A with experts and our awesome low-carb meal planner service. Continue Reading → The post Get Onboard the 10-Week Low-Carb Journey appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
Over 50% of American adults are estimated to have prediabetes or diabetes. The twin cycles (hepatic and pancreatic) are not simply rare metabolic mistakes leading to disease. These responses are almost universal because they serve as protective mechanisms. Protective? I can almost hear you gasp. Insulin resistance and beta cell dysfunction are protective? Yes. Absolutely. What do they protect us from? The very name gives us the vital clue. Continue Reading → The post Towards a Cure for Type 2 Diabetes appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
The future is looking not-so-bright for the sugar industry, with consumers turning away from this fattening food. On top of that, sugar taxes are taking effect across the globe: After decades of stable demand growth, almost doubling per person since 1960, the world is heading for a tipping point as shoppers turn against the cola and candy blamed for an obesity epidemic in the rich world. Bloomberg: War on Sugar Turns Years of Growth Into Market Tipping Point Continue Reading → The post War on Sugar Reaches Tipping Point appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
Last week, one of our subscribers asked me to provide some exercises in addition to the 30 day fitness challenge we’re currently in. And if you’re interested in joining us for the next 30 day challenge, just visit
There’s a lot of chatter about lower body specific exercises, so I decided to give you what want. But, before I get into lunges, let’s get something straight that may be crooked. As much as I would love to dole out one all encompassing, fat shredding, muscle toning, euphoric-inducing, MIND BLOWING exercise to rule them all, I can’t. I won’t. I would be doing you a huge disservice to even say it’s possible, because there are too many variable factors in your specific scenario. That’s like saying drinking water is always good. Well what if you’re under water? Probably not the best idea…
This is how I see the world and the people in it. Truly unique in circumstances, ability, and understanding. It’s no wonder why I have a difficult time releasing “how-to” videos to the masses on exercise execution…ehem. So you may not always get what you’re looking for when you watch my videos or read my blog posts, but you will get what you need.
With that said, please refer to my pseudo-caveat emptor in all of my video descriptions and blogs.
The “Why” Behind Your “Why”
Let’s talk about why we’re doing a lunge in the first place. FYI “Because I see other people doing it in the gym and on T.V.” is NOT an acceptable answer! You should identify the purpose or goals that you have prior to getting involved in any exercise. One purpose of exercise should be to suit your goals within your current ability. You should not arbitrarily fit yourself to an exercise. With that said, you may take into consideration your bum knee, poor stability, and weak muscular development needed to perform a lunge properly and conclude that lunges aren’t the best fit exercise. GASP!
That’s right! In a ‘just do it’, 'hustle your face off’’, 'no pain-no gain' world, it’s hard to swallow the concept of not 'just doing it’ for the sake of your health. When did fitness begin to glamorize the grudgingly difficult as if it’s something to look up to? In nearly all other areas of our lives, we aim to consolidate and make things as easy as possible. I don’t remember anyone in high school bragging about how hard their last trigonometry test was. #high-five
But in the fitness industry, the harder the better. The more pain, the more gain. Puke? Perfect! These might be great for T-shirt sales, but it’s certainly not an ideology you want to adopt if you’re goal is to be healthy. Unless you want to throw up, then by all means…
Lunges for Hamstrings and Butt?
On the list of exercises that target your butt and hamstrings, standard lunges wouldn’t be at the top of my list for a few reasons. The function of the hamstrings and glutes will reveal a lot about how to build them up. One of the main purposes of the hamstring is to aid in the flexion of the knee joint and extension of the hip joint. In a standard lunge, the hamstrings aren’t used to flex the knee joint or extend the hip joint to any significant degree.
Now, don’t get me wrong. There may be some of you out there who’s quadriceps, hamstrings, and glute muscles are not developed enough to overcome the force resistance of a lunge. If that’s you, then you may experience more difficulty in performing this exercise than a more muscularly developed person would.
For example: A lunge with a short stride (more on that later) emphasizes the quadriceps. If you have less developed quadriceps than, say, me you’ll probably have more difficulty performing a standard lunge than I might. But ultimately, as resistance increases you will be forced to recruit more and more muscle fibers to overcome the resistance force, granted you have the muscle fibers to recruit.
So, with body weight lunges, my hamstrings and glutes may not be completely exhausted, because the resistance I have to overcome is relatively easy compared to my output capacity. However, if I perform weighted lunges, there is a higher probability that I would recruit more of my glutes and hamstrings, because the demand or resistance force has increased. There are other ways, outside of adding additional weight, to position your body in such a way that your hamstrings become crucial in your ability to complete a specific range of motion, but we’ll save that for another post.
Reverse, Reverse! Take It Back Now Ya’ll
I couldn't think of a better way to introduce the lunge than by referring to an old school classic dance hit sure to make even the worst dancer get up and move. #Cha-Cha #RealSmooth
The reverse lunge is not “better” or “worse” than a forward lunge. But we’ll be discussing its utility in this post. For starters, let’s say you ignore what I wrote above and want to do lunges for hamstring and glute activation. I know how much my ladies want to tighten and tone their tush, so this may be a good focus point when and if you’re going to incorporate lunges into your exercise protocol.
This goes without saying, but the positioning of your body will vary depending on your anatomy. There are variations with regards to arm, leg, and torso length of a human. With regards to a lunge, the size of your femur and tibia/fibula (the leg bones) will determine your relative position. However, there are a few evergreen concepts that can be adapted..dare I say..among the masses…
If your goal with a lunge is to target the posterior muscles of your upper leg, IE your butt and hamstrings, then you want to perhaps begin with reverse lunges. These are lunges where your initial move is a step back rather than forward. What I see oftentimes during forward lunges is the tendency to lean your torso forward as a result of inertia. This may or may not be voluntary, but it’s good to be aware of. I’d suggest videoing yourself to see how you’re actually progressing through your able range of motion.
The “problem” with this forward lean is that it works against our goal to target the hamstrings, especially since the lunge targets primarily the quads. I will continue to stress that no exercise is inherently good or bad. They must be contextualized and assimilated for proper judgement.
Don’t take it from me though. This is what Steve Ball over at had to say about reverse lunges.
I believe Reverse Lunges are superior to Forward Lunges because backward momentum keeps the body in the ideal lunge position—weight on the heel with the knee above the ankle. During a Forward Lunge, momentum shifts the center of gravity too far forward, placing the body weight on the ball of the foot rather than the heel and moving the knee too close to the toe. In this position, the quads apply too much pressure, while the glutes and hamstrings lose leverage and power, often causing knee pain. The reduced glute and hamstring activity decreases knee stability and diminishes power development on the upward phase of the Lunge.
So, if we understand the relationship that our center of gravity has as it pertains to exhausting the glutes and hamstrings during a lunge, we come to this conclusion. A forward leaning torso changes your center of gravity. When this happens, most people’s front knee moves towards, and even past, the front foot. This places more load on the ball of the foot, which consequently relieves most of the activation of the glutes and the hamstring that would occur if the load was on the heel of the foot and your center of gravity was over your hips.
Alternatively, if you are mindful to keep your torso over your hips throughout your able range of motion, as well as keeping the load on your front heel, then you are more likely to engage not only the glutes, but the hamstrings as well.
An easy way to imply that your heel is taking the load is to simply lift up the front part of your foot.
Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes Quads
From my own experience, the utility of a lunge has been to target my quad muscles primarily. There are other exercises that are better suited to primarily target the butt and hamstrings–sprinting, squats, deadlifts, etc.– but that’s for another day. Let’s take a look at my ideal position for quad activation during a lunge. This time the focus is going to be on the back leg. Remember that “thing” about forward lean and its implications on where the load is and how that affects which muscles are being activated? Well take a look below.
In this position, I’m taking my own advice and placing my center of gravity over my hips. The way you want to think about moving through your active range of motion in this scenario is to imagine a string (or a red arrow) from the tip of your head to underneath your butt. Keeping your head, shoulders, hips, and back knee in alignment as shown above, you want your body to move directly up and down. Think of yourself as taking an elevator down a floor and up a floor. Last time I checked, elevators don’t move forward and down or backwards and up, so you shouldn’t either! This tip will help you to keep from that forward lean we spoke about earlier.
I vary my execution of this same range of motion by manipulating the time it takes to perform the eccentric or negative motion of my knee moving towards the ground. The longer it takes for me to go down means the more time under tension I’m creating during that active range of motion. You could imagine if I did one repetition and just dropped without control VS. controlling my body down for four seconds and powering up. Contrasting the two, there is clearly more muscle activation and calorie burning if I’m taking my time to control my leg throughout the eccentric or “dropping down” of my knee, than if I were to just let it come down without control. Here are some other varying execution protocols I use when performing a lunge:
Non-plyometric, alternating lunges (from standing position, step back and lunge, step back up into standing position, and switch legs)
Non-plyometric, single leg lunges (Start and stay in the step back position and complete a set amount of repetitions or time on one leg only, then switch)
Alternating plyometric lunges (Start in the step back position, step back and lunge, jump from the bottom position switching leg positions in the air, landing in the lunge position for the opposite leg)
Static holds–holding the eccentric or down position like you see in the photo for an extended period of time.
And that’s a wrap! I won’t say you have nearly all you need to go out and start lunging to your heart’s content, however I do believe I’ve provided you with the seeds of understanding the “why” for a lunge.
Other Helpful Tips
If your active range of motion is limited, and you’re choosing to perform lunges, consider using a yoga block[s] or something else to decrease the range and provide stability for your knee. Build up strength in your quads before taking off the training wheels.
If your balance and stability is an issue, and you’re choosing to perform lunges, try lunging in a pool, or have something stable to hold on to or someone to hold your hands as you progress through your active range of motion.
If you’re choosing to perform lunges, keep the load of your body distributed in the heel of your front foot and the ball of your back foot.
If you’re choosing to perform lunges, try to imagine pushing the ground down rather than your body up.
Please note that in every video concerning exercise execution, I strive to give enough detail without being as pedantic as I might be with a client I am working with personally. It’s important to consider your own context in the application of any tips KetoVIP produces.
Today's a good day to check in with yourself; make sure all systems are go for the coming week. We've got some diet adjustments and a few other matters to discuss.
Ketosis is a serious buzzword in fitness and nutrition circles these days. But is committing to the low-carb, high-fat diet necessary, or can you just approximate it with supplemental ketones? Here's our expert's take.
THE KETOGENIC EDGE COOKBOOK: A Training Manual for Low-Carb, Ketogenic, and Paleo Cuisine -
Let’s say you occasionally want to eat a fruit (or some berries) while still staying relatively low carb. What fruit would be the best choice?Below, you’ll find the best options, ranked by grams of net carbs per serving (one medium-sized fruit or half a cup). The lowest-carbs options are at the top. All numbers are net carbs. Raspberries – Half a cup (60 grams) contains 3 grams of carbs. Blackberries – Half a cup (70 grams) contains 4 grams of carbs. Strawberries – Half a cup (100 grams) contains 6 grams of carbs. The rest of the top 10 list The post Top 10 Low-Carb Fruits appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
Tim Cook showing his Apple watch Apple might be taking on diabetes by creating a continuous blood-sugar tracker, that could be used with their Apple Watch. Reportedly you would not even need to stick yourself to use it. It’s mentally anguishing to stick yourself many times a day to check your blood sugar. There is lots of hope out there that if someone has constant knowledge of what they’re eating, they can instantly know what causes the response… and that they can adjust well before they become diabetic. – Tim Cook, Apple CEO It could be great news for millions of diabetics around the globe. And people without diabetes could also use it (if it ends up becoming a commercial product). Just like the elite in Silicon Valley, you could jump on the popular trend of continuous blood sugar monitoring. CNBC: Apple CEO Tim Cook Test-Drove a Device That Tracks His Blood Sugar, Hinting at Apple’s Interest in the Space CNBC: Some Silicon Valley Techies Are Now Obsessively... [Read More ...]
Think whole-grain bread is a good choice? Could it help you control your blood sugar? Not necessarily. If you look at the graph above (made by the eminent Dr. David Unwin), you can see that the difference in effect on blood sugar levels is fairly small between different kinds of conventional bread. A single serving of any of them is equal to several teaspoons of sugar. You’d probably be better off avoiding it completely if you have diabetes. Is there a better option if you’re really craving bread, one that does not affect blood sugar levels? Absolutely – just check out our low-carb bread recipes below. Continue Reading → The post How Different Kinds of Bread Affect Blood Sugar Levels, Compared to Teaspoons of Sugar appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
4.4 out of 5 stars5 stars71%4 stars11%3 stars6%2 stars6%1 star4%45 ratings45 Moderate low carbModerate low carb66% Fat28% Protein6% Carbs6 g carbs / serving Easy 10 m + 1 h10 minutes preparation1 hour cooking time When is chicken a noodle? When it is deli meat, thinly sliced and layered like pasta into this inspired take on low-carb lasagna. The requisite flavors of sausage, onion, and marinara, stacked together with the cheesy blend of ricotta, mozzarella, and parmesan, make dinner a literal melting pot of Italian inspiration. Full recipe → The post Easy Protein Noodle Lasagna appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
Professor Tim Noakes was recently found innocent after a three-year-long trial, about a low-carb tweet. But even that was not the end, as the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) has appealed the not guilty verdict. To make things worse, the HPCSA also gets to appoint the committee hearing the case. Effectively they get to judge their own appeal. This doesn’t look like justice. It looks like a witchhunt against a respected scientist who dares to question nutritional dogma. If you want to protest against this, you can sign a new petition. It went live a week ago and now has over 7,000 signatures: Health Professions Council of South Africa: Prof Tim Noakes: Stop the Witchhunt Against Him More background and comments from Professor Noakes: Health24: Stop the madness and back Noakes, begs online petition Continue Reading → The post Sign Petition to Stop “Witchhunt” Against Professor Tim Noakes appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
Our popular low-carb meal-plan tool gives you everything you need to succeed on low carb. Meal plans, recipes and shopping lists – no planning required! Adjust and skip any meal – and the recipes and shopping lists adapt.We now have 39 low-carb meal plans available – including keto, moderate, vegetarian, dairy-free and favorites – we’re adding at least one new plan every week. Here’s this week’s new plan: Keto #8 Enjoy a week of our newest recipes, straight from both our and Maria Emmerich‘s kitchen! It has three filling meals a day and keeps you below 20 grams of carbohydrates. Full meal plan → Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun More Our low-carb meal plan service is free to try out for a month Learn more about the low-carb meal plan service A low-carb diet for beginners Continue Reading → The post New Keto Meal Plan appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
Do doctors treat type 2 diabetes completely wrong today – in a way that actually makes the disease worse? Many people would correctly say yes. There’s a better way.What is the perfect treatment for type 2 diabetes – and for weight loss? Many people would say a strict LCHF diet – I would have said that myself, at one time. But that may just be a good start. Watch a segment of the interview above. The full video is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership: The Perfect Treatment for Diabetes and Weight Loss – Dr. Jason Fung Join free for a month to get instant access to this and hundreds of other low-carb TV videos. Plus Q&A with experts and our awesome low-carb meal planner service. Continue Reading → The post The Perfect Treatment for Diabetes and Weight Loss appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
We’re thrilled to present a collaboration with one of the world’s top experts when it comes to low-carb and keto cooking: Maria Emmerich. She’s written several of the world’s bestselling keto cookbooks. We’re very happy that Emmerich has agreed to share ten of her most popular low-carb recipes, here at Diet Doctor. Bread, lasagna, pancakes, pizza, nacho chips… and more: Maria Emmerich’s Top Low-Carb and Keto Recipes The post Awesome New Low-Carb and Keto Recipes appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
Before and after Carla went low carb last year in March, and has successfully lost 49 lbs (22 kg). But according to her, that’s not the greatest difference it’s made to her life: Continue Reading → The post “I Have So Much Energy” appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
4.5 out of 5 stars5 stars61%4 stars30%3 stars7%2 stars0%1 star0%13 ratings13 Ketogenic low carbKetogenic low carb98% Fat1% Protein1% Carbs1 g carbs / serving Easy 5 m5 minutes preparation0 minutes cooking time Spice up almost anything with color and a punch of flavor! Whip up a batch of salsa verde and experience enhanced pork, poultry, and fish. But wait, there's more... It gives a huge boost to salads, cooked veggies, and egg dishes, too! Full recipe → The post Salsa Verde appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
Running through fire We’re glad to announce that the challenging obstacle race in the name of science (which we recently wrote about) was successful for Patrik and Fredrik. This despite the fact that Patrik is blind from complications of type 1 diabetes. Congratulations! The attention has lead to generous donations to The Dietary Science Foundation, which is funding a study on dietary interventions (including low carb) for type 1 diabetics. Below, you’ll find images from the tough race. Continue Reading → The post Success at Tough Viking appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
4.5 out of 5 stars5 stars71%4 stars15%3 stars8%2 stars2%1 star2%45 ratings2,621 viewsWe’ve been told for decades that in order for us to lose weight, we need to expend more calories than we take in. But is it really that simple? Three of the top low-carb doctors in the world give their quick and spontaneous answers to this annoying question in the video above (transcript). Here are the doctors in the video: 0:16 Dr. Ted Naiman 0:41 Dr. Peter Brukner 1:42 Dr. Eric Westman What did you think about it? Do you have any other question that you’d like answered in a similar video? Feel free to let us know in the comments below. More Do you want to check out one more of these videos? These are many more, with doctors answering more of the most common and important questions out there: Continue Reading → The post Isn’t Weight Loss All About Calories? appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
According to the National Pasta Association, children who eat more pasta have a better overall diet quality. Well, must be true because science just doesn’t get less biased than this (cough, cough). National Pasta Association: Children and Adolescents Who Eat Pasta Have Better Overall Diet Quality, New Research Shows Not surprisingly, apparently nothing objectively measured about these kids health was better. They simply scored higher on things like following “healthy eating” guidelines, that recommend people to eat carbohydrates like pasta. Talk about a circular argument. And you know, that’s exactly the kind of advice that marked the start of the obesity epidemic back in the early 80s. Perhaps because bad carbs like wheat flour (pasta) raises blood glucose and the fat-storing hormone insulin. If you prefer a lower-carb alternative to pasta, check out our alternatives below. Continue Reading → The post Children Who Eat Pasta Have a Better Diet Quality, Says the... [Read More ...]
Before and after A follower on Facebook recently posted some before/after pictures with the following caption: The Facebook post Today was a big… no scratch that a huge mile stone for me.. the scale says 284 lbs (129 kg)! This means I am officially down 150 lbs (68 kg)!! I went from a size 50, to a 36 (34 in some brands) a size 4x/5x to a XL. I went from insulin dependent and 10+ pills a day to no meds… at all.. feeling amazing about life again.. thank you Jason Fung!! Your videos on were my inspiration and the start of this journey. His story was so inspiring that I asked him to write a few more words about his journey to help others along the way. He writes: Continue Reading → The post “Feeling Amazing About Life Again” appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
5.0 out of 5 stars5 stars100%4 stars0%3 stars0%2 stars0%1 star0%1 rating How will you die? There’s a 70% risk that it will be from chronic disease, connected to insulin resistance.So what causes insulin resistance? In this presentation Dr. Ted Naiman explains why you may be insulin resistant, and what you can do about it. Watch a segment above (transcript). The full video is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership: What Causes Insulin Resistance? – Dr. Ted Naiman Join free for a month to get instant access to this and hundreds of other low-carb TV videos. Plus Q&A with experts and our awesome low-carb meal planner service. Continue Reading → The post There’s a 70% Risk that this Will Kill You appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
Can people be fat and fit at the same time? This old debate is kept alive by new research presented at the European Congress on Obesity. They tracked people who were obese at the start of the study (defined as people with a body mass index of 30 or more) who had no evidence of heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes at this point. They found these people who were obese but “metabolically healthy” were at higher risk of developing heart disease, strokes and heart failure than people of normal weight. This led to some overstated headlines in the media: BBC News: ‘Fat but Fit Is a Big Fat Myth’ The Guardian: No Such Thing as ‘Fat but Fit’, Major Study Finds EurekAlert! Study of 3.5 Million People Shows ‘Healthy’ Obese People Are Still at Higher Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Events Than the General Population The Telegraph: ‘Fat but Fit’ Idea Is a Medical Myth, Researchers Find Not so fast The problem is that this study, like earlier... [Read More ...]
Over 180,000 people have signed up for our free two-week keto low-carb challenge. You’ll get free guidance, meal plans, recipes, shopping lists and troubleshooting tips – everything you need to succeed on low carb. Here are new amazing stories from the people who’ve taken the challenge: Feedback Hello, I am really enjoying this way of eating and taking part in the challenge has helped to provide interesting recipes to use going forward. I have not lost a huge amount of weight (only 4 lbs – 2 kg) but I feel so much better. I have arthritis and the improvement in both pain levels and mobility is astonishing. I also feel less bloated and more alert. I have a long term problem with heart burn and unfortunately on the challenge on some days it was really bad. I am trying to work out what exactly is causing it by elimination. I must admit that the weight loss is a little disappointing but the other benefits make it more than worthwhile to continue with this lifestyle. I have... [Read More ...]
5.0 out of 5 stars5 stars100%4 stars0%3 stars0%2 stars0%1 star0%1 rating1 Ketogenic low carbKetogenic low carb92% Fat4% Protein3% Carbs4 g carbs / serving Easy 5 + 5 m5 minutes preparation5 minutes cooking time Broccoli in all of its glory... Let the natural deliciousness of our favorite green super veggie shine through in this ultra-simple side dish. If you haven't yet mixed broccoli with fresh dill, prepare for taste bud nirvana! Full recipe → The post Broccoli Salad with Fresh Dill appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
4.7 out of 5 stars5 stars85%4 stars3%3 stars7%2 stars3%1 star0%27 ratings999 views Dr. Jeffry Gerber has a long history of treating patients with low carb, and we sat down to discuss the many benefits of it and whether there are any concerns that patients should be aware of.Watch a segment of the interview above (transcript). The full video is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership: Why a Low-Carb Diet and Other Questions – Dr. Jeffry Gerber Join free for a month to get instant access to this and hundreds of other low-carb TV videos. Plus Q&A with experts and our awesome low-carb meal planner service. Continue Reading → The post Why a Low-Carb Diet and Other Questions appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
Are you great at writing and passionate about low carb? Do you perhaps also have scientific training in medicine and/or nutrition, e.g. an MD or PhD? Thursday this week is the last day to apply, if you want to join us in our quest to empower people everywhere: Do You Want to Make Low Carb Simple, and Empower People Everywhere? The post Final Chance to Apply for Our Writer Position appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
Ronnie and Andrea Here’s quite a low-carb love story. Ronnie and Andrea is a couple that bonded over their weight-loss journeys and ended up losing 570 pounds (259 kg) together using low carb. Now they’re about to get married. AP News: Couple to Wed After Losing Nearly 600 Pounds Together CTV News: U.S. Couple to Wed After Losing Nearly 272 Kilograms Together Brower gave up drugs and alcohol, followed a low-carbohydrate diet and started working out for three hours a day, beginning with simply lifting his arms while sitting in a chair. Within 100 days he had lost 100 pounds and was able to leave the house and go to the gym for his workouts. Just check out these amazing before-and-after photos below (and our guides if you want to know how to do the same thing): Continue Reading → The post Low-Carb Couple Loses Almost 600 Pounds Together! appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
Here’s a recommended diabetes breakfast from the world’s largest organization of nutrition professionals, The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND). The same organization prominently claims that type 2 diabetes “cannot be cured”. That’s probably very true for everyone who mostly eats exactly what the body can’t handle, by following the AND advice above. If you want a better way to manage and even reverse your type 2 diabetes, then check out our guide below. Continue Reading → The post Who Would Recommend This Toxic Breakfast for People with Type 2 Diabetes? appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
Is it OK to consume your daily protein at one meal? Is intermittent fasting good for people with adrenal dysfunction due to stress or other factors? And what about The Dawn Phenomenon – is it good or bad? It’s time for this week’s Q&A about intermittent fasting and low carb with Dr. Jason Fung: Continue Reading → The post Is Intermittent Fasting a Good Idea When Suffering from Stress? appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
THE KETOGENIC EDGE COOKBOOK: A Training Manual for Low-Carb, Ketogenic, and Paleo Cuisine -
Here are the ten greatest low-carb vegetables, tasty and nutritious but with very few carbs. All numbers are net carbs per 100 grams (3½ ounces). Cauliflower – 4 g. The most classic and iconic of all low-carb vegetables. The base of cauliflower rice and cauliflower mash. Check out our top 18 cauliflower recipes Cabbage – 3 g. Another great low-carb vegetable. Who doesn’t love butter-fried green cabbage or the truly addictive Asian cabbage stir-fry? For more, here are our top 21 cabbage recipes Avocado – 2 g. Not just low carb, but also full of nutritious fat. Avocado can be eaten in all kinds of ways, including on its own, perhaps with some mayonnaise, or it can be used to make guacamole. But that’s just the start, here are more awesome avocado recipes The rest of the top 10 list The post Top 10 Low-Carb Vegetables appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
THE KETOGENIC EDGE COOKBOOK: A Training Manual for Low-Carb, Ketogenic, and Paleo Cuisine - Meal 1: 4 free-range chicken eggs cooked in 1 tablespoon grass-fed butter 50 grams (raw weight) mixed kale, arugula, and fresh herbs A pinch of dulse A splash of apple cider vinegar Macros: 26.2 g protein, 51.7 g fat, 5 g net carb Meal 2: ⅓ pound grass-fed beef cooked in 40 grams Turmeric and Black Pepper Infused Coconut Oil with ground cumin and salt Layered on a bed of red lettuce, topped with 80 grams chopped tomato, roasted garlic, and 2 tablespoons raw grass-fed full-fat dairy cream Macros: 27 g protein, 74.1 g fat, 4 g net carb Meal 3: Zucchini pasta with garlic, tomatoes, red bell pepper, and mushrooms served with 1 can of King Oscar black pepper sardines One half serving of Keto Flatbreads Macros: 22.85 g protein, 27 g fat, 10.25 g net carb Affiliate Link for sardines -...
As the COO of Diet Doctor and low-carb enthusiast for years, you would have thought I’d nailed ketosis years ago. I haven’t, and here’s why. Continue Reading → The post Why You’re Not in Ketosis appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
Here’s an interesting new graph from Dr. Ted Naiman. I’ll let him explain it himself: Just stay away from the base of this macro triangle — obesity awaits in the low protein CARBS+FAT zone*. *[also known as Cupcakelandia™ 🎂😁] Can adding fat to bad carbs making them even worse for people’s weight? I think so, but feel free to leave a comment below if you disagree! Continue Reading → The post The Macronutrient Triangle – Stay Away from the Base appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
Here’s the trailer to Doctor in the House – the popular show where Dr. Chatterjee comes to live with struggling patients, helping them turn their health around using lifestyle changes (including low carb). The first episode aired yesterday on BBC One. If you’re in the UK you can watch it online. Continue Reading → The post Doctor in the House Season Two with Dr. Chatterjee on BBC One appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
4.4 out of 5 stars5 stars60%4 stars20%3 stars20%2 stars0%1 star0%5 ratings5 Ketogenic low carbKetogenic low carb87% Fat17% Protein1% Carbs3 g carbs / serving Easy 5 + 15 m5 minutes preparation15 minutes cooking time For a fresh take on fabulous, try this ready-in-fifteen-minutes meal. Seafood, dressed in a creamy sauce (accessorized with garlic, fennel, and chili) meets egg, dressed in browned butter simplicity. Then the omelet fold brings the flavors together. What a match! Full recipe → The post Seafood Omelet appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
5.0 out of 5 stars5 stars100%4 stars0%3 stars0%2 stars0%1 star0%1 rating Antonio Martinez, JD, had type 2 diabetes. Even though he followed the dietary advice to the letter and took medications he still suffered a heart attack.Then he found low carb, and completely reversed his disease. Here Martinez shares his story – that started when he watched the documentary Cereal Killers – and what he does to stay healthy. Watch a segment of the interview above (transcript). The full video is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership: “I Have Been Following the Wrong Advice” – Antonio Martinez II Join free for a month to get instant access to this and hundreds of other low-carb TV videos. Plus Q&A with experts and our awesome low-carb meal planner service. Continue Reading → The post “I Have Been Following the Wrong Advice” appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]
Professor Tim Noakes A few weeks ago Professor Tim Noakes was found innocent after a three years long trial. Now it appears the fight may go on for even longer, as the HPCSA has appealed the verdict: So, the Health Professions Council of SA (HPCSA) has appealed the not guilty verdict for Prof Tim Noakes. His lawyers are furious and up for the fight ahead. Noakes is “strangely elated”. He says that it will “allow the exposure of much about which the South African public would otherwise have remained ignorant”. Foodmed: Noakes ‘Energised, Wrathful’ As HPCSA Goes After Him Again Health 24: Noakes Slams HPCSA ‘Witch Hunt’ As Body Appeals Not Guilty Ruling Perhaps the description “witch hunt” is appropriate. Three years in court should be more than enough for people who are only interested in justice and truth. Continue Reading → The post ‘The Noakes Trial’ Not Quite Finished After All appeared first on Diet Doctor. [Read More ...]