Friday, January 27, 2017

A Trip to DiabetesVille

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Insulin resistance Virtually all doctors agree that elevated insulin resistance is very bad for human health, being the root cause of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. So, if it is so bad, why do we all develop it in the first place? How can such a mal-adaptive process be so ubiquitous? As of 2015, over 50% of the American population has diabetes or pre-diabetes. This stunning statistic means that there are more people in the United States with pre-diabetes or diabetes than without it. It’s the new normal. Why does it develop it so frequently? There must be some protective purpose to it since our bodies are not designed to fail. Humans have lived for millennia before the modern diabesity epidemic. How can insulin resistance be protective? Continue Reading → The post A Trip to DiabetesVille appeared first on Diet Doctor.
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A Trip to DiabetesVille was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

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