Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Why almonds boost good cholesterol

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Nuts are great for you—that’s been well-established by hundreds of studies over the past decade. Though, since they are calorie-dense and fairly high in fat, moderation is key when chowing down on the antioxidant-, fiber-, and protein-packed treats. Some of their healthy attributes include helping with heart health, keeping weight down, dropping cancer risk, and lowering cholesterol levels.

Scientists weren’t sure how nuts, and almonds in particular, could work against LDL, or bad cholesterol, but a new study from Penn State has gathered more information on how they clean up our blood supply. HDL, or high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, is considered good for us because it acts like little bags that can pack in more and more cholesterol from cells, which it then transports to the liver for disposal. Researchers theorized that a subgroup called alpha-1 HDL—which are large and mature and better able to leech bad cholesterol from the blood—would increase when almonds...

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Why almonds boost good cholesterol was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

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