Thursday, September 21, 2017

Trainer Q&A: What’s the difference between eating for muscle and eating for endurance?

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Bob Seebohar, R.D., M.S., C.S.S.D., C.S.C.S., is one of the first board-certified specialists in sports dietetics and consults with Olympic teams and athletes. He is also a CLIF Bar nutrition partner, an exercise physiologist, a USA Triathlon Certified Elite Coach, a competitive triathlete, and runner.

Q: What’s the difference between eating for muscle and eating for endurance?

A: If an endurance athlete is doing an hour of exercise a day, the main focus is to stabilize blood sugar through the combination of carbs, protein, and fats. And the athlete should use his hands as measuring tools. Fill one hand, from wrist to finger, with a carb source (fruits, veggies, whole grains), the other hand will be filled with protein sources. As the training duration increases, the carbs start to grow so you eat two or three hands of carbs to one hand of protein. Fats are crucial for any athlete because they help you feel full for longer, and stabilize blood sugar.

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Trainer Q&A: What’s the difference between eating for muscle and eating for endurance? was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

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