Monday, September 11, 2017

How processed food is destroying your gut and upping your odds for disease

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Here's another reason to back away from food born and raised in factories: Emulsifiers, the ingredients added to processed foods like ice cream and peanut butter to improve texture and extend their shelf life, dramatically increase gut inflammation, which then ups your risk for developing chronic conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease or metabolic syndrome, according to research from Georgia State University.

In the study, researchers used lab equipment that simulates the human gut; it's made of a series of pumps and containers, and bacteria comparable to our own. The scientists added two emulsifiers called carboxymethylcellulose and polysorbate-80 (P80) to the "normal gut" contents.


Now, as we mentioned, certain additives interfere with your gut bacteria so it inflames the intestines and potentially promotes disease. And these two emulsifiers did just that; they led to a dramatic increase in a marker of gut inflammation, the researchers say.


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How processed food is destroying your gut and upping your odds for disease was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

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