Sunday, September 30, 2018

KasumiKriss VEGANISM RECOVERY Update | 5 yr Ex-Vegan DrewMorg from trolling my comments to CARNIVORE

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

KasumiKriss VEGANISM RECOVERY Update | 5 yr Ex-Vegan DrewMorg from trolling my comments to CARNIVORE
The Ketogenic Edge Cookbook: The Keto & Carnivore Collective - Live Community Coaching: Eat Meat Make Families TEES, TANKS, HOODIES: Joovv light: What YOU NEED to KNOW about RED LIGHT THERAPY: Award winning Ecuadorian Cacao and KETOGENIC CHOCOLATE bars: --------------- #EatMeatMakeFamilies #Keto #Carnivore --------------- US Wellness MEATS and ORGANS: Grass-fed MEAT delivered (plus FREE bacon & $15 OFF): Organic Bone Broth: Wild-Caught FISH + SEAFOOD: -------------- The Ultimate Guide to Low-Carb Baking: Salt: Lakanto: | coupon code: PRIMALEDGEHEALTH IRIS Blue...

Force your body into Ketosis with Keto OS - The #1 Ketogenic Diet Supplement

KasumiKriss VEGANISM RECOVERY Update | 5 yr Ex-Vegan DrewMorg from trolling my comments to CARNIVORE was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Credibility crisis in an era of clicks and shares

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Never go grocery shopping hungry; you are certain to buy more than you need and make poor impulse decision. Also, if you want to eat less, eat from a smaller plate. Your food will look bigger and psychologically you will be more satisfied. I have repeated these “facts” so many times I never stopped to consider that the science behind these claims could be wrong. Even worse, the science could have been manipulated and forged. I am not saying it was, but it appears we have to consider that fact. As The Atlantic reported this week, prolific Cornell scientist Brian Wansink has retired as a professor after having a total of 13 publications retracted given serious questions about his scientific integrity and honesty. It’s easy to vilify someone who forges or manipulates data to support “Big Pharma,” “Big Food” or “Big Sugar.” But this is the opposite. Professor Wansink has published dozens of studies showing how food companies psychologically manipulate us into...
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Credibility crisis in an era of clicks and shares was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

The truth about salt

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By 1982, salt was called ‘A New Villain’ on the cover of TIME magazine. The 1988 publication of the INTERSALT study seemed to seal the deal. This massive study involved 52 centers in 32 countries and laboriously measured salt intake and compared this to blood pressure. Across all populations, the higher the salt consumption, the higher the blood pressure. Seemed like a slam dunk, although the effect was quite small. A 59% reduction in sodium intake would be predicted to lower the blood pressure by only 2 mmHG. If your systolic blood pressure was 140, severely restricting your salt could lower that to 138. However, no data existed as to whether this would translate into less heart attacks and strokes. But based on this influential study, in 1994 the mandatory Nutrition Facts Label proclaimed that Americans should only eat 2,400 mg per day (about one teaspoon of salt). Yet the stubborn fact remains that virtually every healthy population in the world eats salt at levels far...
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The truth about salt was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Dr. Gary Fettke exonerated! Receives apology from regulators

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Common sense makes a comeback in Australia, as regulators drop all charges against Dr. Gary Fettke and apologize for their peculiar ruling. Fettke, an orthopedic surgeon, was sanctioned in 2016 by regulators (the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency or AHPRA) for recommending a low-carb lifestyle to patients he felt could improve their health by changing their diets. As we wrote in November 2016, Dr. Fettke was officially ‘silenced’ by the AHPRA; this means he was forbidden to give diet-related advice to his patients. We are pleased to report that after careful review, the AHPRA has repealed its decision in its entirety, and cleared Dr. Fettke of all charges. He also received a written apology: I would like to take this opportunity to apologise for the errors that were made when dealing with this notification. We recognise that these errors are likely to have compounded any distress that you experienced as a result of being the subject of this...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Dr. Gary Fettke exonerated! Receives apology from regulators was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Saturday, September 29, 2018

The acne positivity movement

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A lot of people suffer from acne. In fact, so many are suffering that there’s now a new movement — ‘The acne positivity movement.’ In a recently published Guardian article, we get a look at what this movement is about. The Guardian: ‘Pimples are in’ – the rise of the acne positivity movement The movement started back in 2015 when a British blogger, Em Ford, posted a YouTube video showing her skin before and after make up. The video got 10 million views within the first week. Many have joined Em in being open on social media about their acne ever since and the movement became a thing. Dr. Bav Shergill of the British Association of Dermatologists says: While many regard acne as a teenage affliction, it can evolve into adulthood. An estimated 25% of all women over 30 still have the condition. I see so many women – adult, professional, intelligent women – who have had their lives ruined by acne. Regarding the positivity movement, it’s always a good thing when...
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The acne positivity movement was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

The future of food

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What does the future of food look like? That was the question researchers discussed at the Food Innovation Summit last Friday. The challenges in the food industry will continue to grow as consumers rely more on technology instead of just their senses to understand what they’re eating and its effects on their bodies. There are many different technologies in the works that are designed to help people better understand what they’re consuming. These technologies include sensors that detect specific ingredients and allergens in food, like a chip you wear on your tooth that tracks sugar consumption. That sounds interesting! Some of these devices move even deeper inside of us. Max Elder, a researcher at the Institute for the Future’s Food Futures Lab, explains: For example, a lab at Carnegie Mellon University is working to develop an ingestible sensor that would monitor gastrointestinal health. This is not necessarily a crazy idea that we would have sensors inside our guts at...
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The future of food was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Friday, September 28, 2018

How Sue stopped her lifelong battle with food

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Not Sue in the picture: “I’ve never felt comfortable with having my picture taken. I’m a selfie free zone.” Sue had been battling her weight since her early teens. She had tried every diet in the book without success when her doctor recommended her to try a keto diet. That later led her to the Diet Doctor website. This is what happened: Hi everyone. I’d like to share my story. I’m a 60-year-old woman lucky enough to live in the beautiful Bay of Plenty in New Zealand. Great grass-fed animals here! Glenn and I have been married for over 30 years. Unfortunately, Glenn was diagnosed with diabetes in his early 40s. He takes a lot of insulin every day. Every morning, the first thing I would think about was how ugly and fat I was. Since I was in my early teens, I was obsessed with becoming more attractive. AKA skinny. As my natural physical build is basic hearty English peasant stock, that realistically was never going to happen. Yet every morning, the first thing I...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

How Sue stopped her lifelong battle with food was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Does a Mediterranean diet reduce risk of depression?

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Outside of the air we breathe, food is the biggest input into our bodies. So it makes sense that what we put in our mouths affects not just our physical health, but our mental health as well. But what diet is best for psychological well-being? In this week’s news, there is a lot of coverage of the Mediterranean diet and its link to less depression: The Guardian: Eating junk food raises risk of depression, says multi country study BBC News: Mediterranean diet ‘may help prevent depression Irish Times: Mediterranean diet may help cut depression risk by a third CNN News: Mediterranean diet could prevent depression, new study finds A new review, published in Molecular Psychology, analyzed 41 observational studies, and found that subjects eating a Mediterranean-style diet experienced lower rates of depression. The study also found that those eating other diets, characterized as either anti-inflammatory by the Dietary Inflammation Index (DII) or conforming with the Healthy Eating...
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Does a Mediterranean diet reduce risk of depression? was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Does eating fat make us fat?

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Does eating fat make us fat? According to a new article in The New York Times, it just might. With a heavy emphasis on “might.” The New York Times: Which kinds of foods make us fat? (Paywall) The article is based on a trial published in Cell Metabolism over the summer, which concluded that feeding mice up to 80% calories from fat causes weight gain. The same was not seen with higher levels of carbs or sugar intake. Does this end the debate on what make us fat? Does this prove Gary Taubes and all the low-carb pioneers wrong? Of course not. For starters, this was a study of mice. So, if you have pet mice, then you should definitely pay attention. The bigger question, however, is does this trial apply to humans? I would argue absolutely not. Here is what they found. The mice that ate a higher percentage of fat calories ate more total calories and gained more weight. They also found changes in the mice brains with increased gene expression of serotonin, dopamine and opioid...
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Does eating fat make us fat? was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Keto eggs Benedict with mug bread

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Keep it classy and traditional with this perfect lazy Sunday keto brunch! Crispy bread, smoked ham and creamy poached egg under a blanket of homemade hollandaise. It's a tough job to eat these tasty eggs Benedicts but someone's gotta do it, right? Full recipe → The post Keto eggs Benedict with mug bread appeared first on Diet Doctor.
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Keto eggs Benedict with mug bread was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Thursday, September 27, 2018

This week’s meal plan: lacto-ovo vegetarian dishes

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Our popular keto meal-plan tool gives you everything you need to succeed on a keto low-carb diet. Meal plans, recipes and shopping lists – no planning required! Adjust, switch or skip any meal – and the recipes and shopping lists will adapt. We now have 94 low-carb meal plans available – including keto, moderate, vegetarian, dairy-free and favorites.   Keto #49 – vegetarian Need inspiration for lacto-ovo vegetarian dishes on keto? Look no further! This week’s meal plan offer three hearty meals per day. All keto, all vegetarian and keeps you below 20 grams of carbs per day. Full meal plan → Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun More Our low-carb meal plan service is free to try out for a month Learn more about the low-carb meal plan service Find our latest keto meal plans below. Top keto recipes What is everyone else eating? Check out some of our most popular keto options that thousands of readers come back to, time after time. These tasty dishes are keto favorites...
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This week’s meal plan: lacto-ovo vegetarian dishes was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

“Successful on LCHF without a gallbladder?”

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Can you eat low-carb if you’ve had your gallbladder removed? What are Andreas thoughts on a study claiming no one should be doing a keto diet? What can you do if you’re feeling tired on a keto diet? And what are the best tips to lose weight on a keto diet? Get the answers in this week’s Q&A with Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt: Gallbladder removed I have had my gallbladder removed several years ago – will this prevent me from being successful on LCHF? Jackie   Most likely not, many people do LCHF successfully without, in my experience, it’s usually not a major issue. Best, Andreas Eenfeldt What is your response to Dr. Kim Allan’s statements about increased mortality rate on keto? Here is the link to the article: ‘No one should be doing keto diet’ says leading cardiologist Thanks! Tori   I think that’s simply wrong. There are certainly no randomized controlled trials showing an increase in mortality on keto. These trials are basically too small and short to show or prove...
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“Successful on LCHF without a gallbladder?” was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

“I was becoming that stereotypical fat doctor”

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78 viewsKen Berry, MD, has had enormous success with his no-nonsense style YouTube channel, where he challenges conventional ideas and “medical topics your doctor doesn’t want to discuss” – including the keto diet. How should doctors help patients to succeed on a keto diet? I recently interviewed Dr. Berry, and he talked about his experiences. Watch a part of our interview above (transcript). The full video is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership: “I was becoming that stereotypical fat doctor” – with Dr. Ken Berry Join free for a month to get instant access to this and hundreds of other low-carb videos. Plus Q&A with experts and our awesome low-carb meal-plan service. Keto Keto for beginners: Introduction08:02Learn how to do a keto diet right, in part 1 of our video course. "I'll do this or I'm going to die trying"19:23Kristie Sullivan struggled with her weight for her whole life in spite of trying every diet...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

“I was becoming that stereotypical fat doctor” was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

The 2-week keto challenge: “It’s life changing”

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Over 590,000 people have signed up for our free two-week keto low-carb challenge. You’ll get free guidance, meal plans, recipes, shopping lists and troubleshooting tips – everything you need to succeed on a keto diet. Here are new fantastic stories from people who’ve taken the challenge: Feedback Hello, My husband and I tried the two-week challenge together. I am 39 and he just turned 40. We were unhappy about how out of shape we had gotten when a friend shared her success with keto. We found the menu plan the perfect jumpstart/ transition into ketogenic eating. We both lost about 10 pounds (4.5 kg) each and were amazed with how satisfied we felt, how much energy we had and how cravings disappeared! Thank you for all the information, support available and especially the recipes! Thank you, Ashta I think the low-carb challenge has been great, life changing really. I have lost 10 lbs (4.5 kg) during the initial two-week period, and am excited about the future. I am much...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

The 2-week keto challenge: “It’s life changing” was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Keto news highlights: Diabetes, Alzheimer’s and lard ice cubes

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This week, we summarize the top five news articles and studies in the low-carb realm, plus the wall of shame. Are there “major doubts” about the safety of keto? In spite of clickbait news headlines, there is no convincing evidence that eating carbs makes you live longer. Clinical trials show improvements in outcomes for those reducing carbohydrate intake. The diabetes epidemic rages on, as evidenced by the numbers in the new report based on National Center for Health Statistics data, released this week by the CDC. A shocking 14% of American adults have diabetes. In 2014, this rate was pegged at 12.2%. Rates are worse among men (16% vs. 12% for women); worse among those over 60 (28%); worse among Hispanic Americans (20%); worse among those with obesity (21%). Last week, The Houston Chronicle ran a bold opinion piece by cardiologist Bret Scher favoring low-carb diets and debunking the purported heart health risks of eating red meat. The Centers for Disease...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Keto news highlights: Diabetes, Alzheimer’s and lard ice cubes was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Low-carb chocolate avocado truffles

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

What's better than chocolate truffles? Chocolate avocado truffles. And what's better than chocolate avocado truffles? Low-carb chocolate avocado truffles! Small dairy-free wonders with a smashing taste of chocolate and lime. Surprise your guests with these delectable bundles of yum! Full recipe → The post Low-carb chocolate avocado truffles appeared first on Diet Doctor.
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Low-carb chocolate avocado truffles was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Diet Doctor Podcast #3 – Dr. Jeffry Gerber and Ivor Cummins

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Dr. Jeffry Gerber and Ivor Cummins may just be the Batman and Robin of the low carb world. They have been teaching the benefits of low carb living for years and they recently co-authored the book Eat Rich Live Long, a must read for the low-carb enthusiast. They really do make the perfect team. Dr. Jeff has over a decade of clinical experience helping his patients reverse insulin resistance, diabetes and other chronic diseases using low-carb diets, and Ivor exemplifies the growing group of engineers-turned-health advocates who’s command of medical literature is unparalleled by most PhD’s. Together they present a scientific and practical approach to making a low carb lifestyle work for you. This was a fun and engaging interview that I know you will enjoy! Bret Scher, MD FACC How to listen You can listen to episode 3 via the embedded PodBean (audio only) or YouTube (audio and video) players above. Our podcast is also available via Apple Podcasts and other popular podcasting...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Diet Doctor Podcast #3 – Dr. Jeffry Gerber and Ivor Cummins was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Low-carb recipes for the family!

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Are you thriving on, or want to try a low-carb diet but find it tricky to implement it in every-day-life together with your family? In today’s often hectic schedule, it can be quite difficult to even find the time to prepare a home-cooked meal, let alone actually sitting down and eat as a family. It might also feel overwhelming to switch to a low-carb diet if you’re already struggling with having the time to cook. But a low-carb diet doesn’t have to be any trickier than a standard diet, you just need to know how and have the right tools! Today is National Cooking Day, so it’s time to celebrate the joys of home cooking with our special low-carb recipe collection for families! We hope this page can be a helpful source of inspiration and information! Enjoy! Low-carb meals for families The post Low-carb recipes for the family! appeared first on Diet Doctor.
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Low-carb recipes for the family! was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Are there ‘major doubts’ about the safety of keto?

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Another day, another scary news story… Last Thursday, Business Insider whipped up concern with this catchy headline: 3 huge new studies of more than half a million people are casting major doubts on the keto diet But are there really three huge new studies “casting major doubts” about keto and low carb? Let’s take a look. Study #1: Prospective cohort study published in Lancet Public Health Surprise! This is the same poor quality observational study for which Business Insider wrote a similar catchy headline in August. We wrote about the problems with this study last month. As did Nina Teicholz, with her op-ed in The Wall Street Journal. As did Dr. George Ede, in Psychology Today. As did functional medicine practitioner Chris Kresser, at length on his blog. If you prefer live TV, prominent cardiologist Aseem Malhotra debunked this study’s claims as completely false on the BBC News. The common thread is that there is nothing new or newsworthy about this poorly designed...
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Are there ‘major doubts’ about the safety of keto? was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Monday, September 24, 2018

How Bethany reversed her PCOS

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Bethany went for a decade without ever having her period. After being diagnosed with PCOS she tried everything she could think of to reverse it, but nothing worked. She stumbled upon a keto cookbook and signed up on the two-week keto low-carb challenge. This is what happened: I had PCOS. A ‘ring of pearls’ in my ovaries. I have struggled with PCOS for ten years. Unknowingly for about 7 years. I actually had regular cycles for two years before they completely stopped at age 15. My physician at the time put me on birth control and since I had a false period that way, he considered me cured. Every time I went off birth control though, I never got a cycle. It wasn’t until I moved out of my small hometown at 22 years old and got a different physician that I found out about my diagnosis. I had PCOS. A ‘ring of pearls’ in my ovaries. My testosterone and progesterone levels were slightly elevated, thankfully there was no tumor in my brain pushing on my pituitary gland, but...
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How Bethany reversed her PCOS was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Amber O'Hearn 9-Year Keto-Carnivore pioneer

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Amber O
The Ketogenic Edge Cookbook: The Keto & Carnivore Collective - Live Community Coaching: Eat Meat Make Families TEES, TANKS, HOODIES: Joovv light: What YOU NEED to KNOW about RED LIGHT THERAPY: Award winning Ecuadorian Cacao and KETOGENIC CHOCOLATE bars: --------------- #EatMeatMakeFamilies #Keto #Carnivore --------------- US Wellness MEATS and ORGANS: Grass-fed MEAT delivered (plus FREE bacon & $15 OFF): Organic Bone Broth: Wild-Caught FISH + SEAFOOD: -------------- The Ultimate Guide to Low-Carb Baking: Salt: Lakanto: | coupon code: PRIMALEDGEHEALTH IRIS Blue...

Force your body into Ketosis with Keto OS - The #1 Ketogenic Diet Supplement

Amber O'Hearn 9-Year Keto-Carnivore pioneer was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

New Alzheimer’s report: The disease will double by 2060

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Alzheimer’s disease is perhaps the most feared diagnosis for all patients and their families. It doesn’t claim as many lives as heart disease or cancer, but its devastating effect on the lives of loved ones is immeasurable. For some, it is a fear worse than death. Unfortunately, the data surrounding Alzheimer’s is not encouraging. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released its estimate for the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) from 2015-2060. As of 2014, five million Americans, or 1.6% of all Americans, suffered from AD. The CDC predicts this number will increase to 13.9 million by 2060. MedPage: Alzheimer’s Disease Burden to Double by 2060 Why will there be such a marked increase? One reason is simply the aging population. The other, however, is the explosion of chronic diseases such as diabetes (DM), insulin resistance (IR), and obesity, which may all play a role in the development of AD. In fact, an emerging name for AD is “Type III Diabetes.”...
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New Alzheimer’s report: The disease will double by 2060 was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Cardiologist in Houston Chronicle: ‘Want a healthier heart? Eat a steak’

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Last week, Houston Chronicle ran a bold opinion piece by cardiologist Bret Scher favoring low-carb diets and debunking the purported heart health risks of eating red meat. This op-ed nicely summarizes ideas that are familiar to Diet Doctor readers while it also educates a new audience: greater Houston. Dr. Scher makes many significant points; his article is the perfect length to share with family and friends. Here are a couple of snippets: The medical community frowns upon the kinds of saturated fats found in meat, dairy and coconut oil. The American Heart Association recommends avoiding red meat — and if people insist on eating it, they should “select the leanest cuts available.” Federal nutritional guidelines suggest that less than 10 percent of one’s daily calories come from saturated fats, while the AHA recommends even less. These recommendations have never been supported by rigorous research. The idea that saturated fats cause heart disease stems from decades-old...
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Cardiologist in Houston Chronicle: ‘Want a healthier heart? Eat a steak’ was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

How Public Health England pulled ‘dirty tricks’ on my dietary advice

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Is Public Health England (PHE) a front for the food industry? Earlier this month, I delivered the keynote lecture to an audience of 250 GPs and other healthcare professionals at the UK’s first medical educational-accredited lifestyle medicine conference in Leeds. Much of the day focused on the root causes behind the public health crisis of type 2 diabetes and obesity, and what we can do to fix it. One of the biggest challenges is improving the message to the public on healthy eating. For decades, powerful food companies have profited from promoting misleading health information and aggressively marketing junk food to children and the most vulnerable members of society. Public Health England is charged with help to protect and improve the nation’s health. My experience is that its officials undermine public debate and behave more like a front group for the processed food industry rather than an independent and trustworthy body that welcomes public debate. In an effort to...
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How Public Health England pulled ‘dirty tricks’ on my dietary advice was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Sunday, September 23, 2018

How to worsen diabetes: follow the ADA and CDA advice

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If you have a new diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, or have been dealing with the condition for years, where’s a natural place you might go for support and information? Well, you’d think the national diabetes associations, right? Wrong! Unfortunately, listening to advice from the Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA) and American Diabetes Association (ADA) is not likely to help you. In fact, it will harm you. Let me explain. First, here’s some simple incontrovertible facts on which just about nobody disagrees. People with type 2 diabetes are often overweight and have a high blood glucose. Refined grains (white flour) are among the worst foods in the world for raising blood glucose. Eating sugar causes weight gain, and also raises blood glucose. Neither refined grains nor sugar contains any nutrients of value. Sugar and flour raise glucose, so don’t eat it, right? Aha! So, the conclusion seems rather pedantic and logical. If eating flour and sugar raise blood glucose and...
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How to worsen diabetes: follow the ADA and CDA advice was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

14% of American adults have diabetes according to CDC

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A new report, just released by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), pegs US diabetes rates, as of 2016, at 14.0% of adults. This includes cases of both diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes. In 2014, this rate was pegged at 12.2%. This new data, sourced from the National Bureau of Health Statistics, paints the picture of a disease that crosses all sectors, but some are hit harder than others: Men are more likely to have diabetes than women. 15.9% of men | 12.2% of women. Older people are more likely to have diabetes. 3.5% 20-39 years | 16.3% for 40-59 years | 28.2% for 60+ years Disease rates vary by race 12.4% non-Hispanic white | 17.9% non-Hispanic black 15.3% non-Hispanic Asian | 19.8% Hispanic Obese citizens are more likely to have diabetes 6.2% for normal weight adults | 20.7% for obese adults This meaningful change, a 15% increase in prevalence in just two years, reminds us that the diabetes epidemic is still growing. A new approach, to reverse type 2 diabetes and
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14% of American adults have diabetes according to CDC was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Updated: Low-carb and keto side dishes!

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Having trouble figuring out what to have as sides to your mains? In this page, we have gathered all of our best recipes, practical tips and guides to make it easy for you to find your way to super tasty side dishes! How does parmesan baked cauliflower sound? Or how about roasted pumpkin with nuts and manchego cheese? Get inspired and why not prepare a new side dish as early as today! Check it out here: Low-carb & keto side dishes The post Updated: Low-carb and keto side dishes! appeared first on Diet Doctor.
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Updated: Low-carb and keto side dishes! was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Have you ever heard your doctor use the word “deprescribe?”

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I have been a doctor for over 20 years. I can tell I never heard it in medical school, residency or fellowship, and I have never heard a colleague use it. Why is that? Our medical culture is far too focused on prescribing medications to temper our symptoms or make our lab numbers look better. The result is we frequently fail to see if the medication actually helps us achieve better heath. A recent article in gives us hope that we are starting to change this. Express: GPs in mission to halt pill-popping menace The article explains how hundreds of primary care doctors in the UK are joining forces to publicly emphasize the importance of lifestyle changes over drug prescriptions. A movement like this cannot come soon enough. In the U.S., for instance, it is estimated that 60% of the adult population takes a prescription drug, and 15% take more than five. This is despite the fact that nutrition and exercise are equally or more effective than drugs for treating common...
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Have you ever heard your doctor use the word “deprescribe?” was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Friday, September 21, 2018

Keto boom means more options and more temptation

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According to CNN Money, keto is booming. We see it with keto’s popularity on social media. And with it’s dominance with Google searches. This helps spread the word, and ultimately brings better health to many more people, so this is good news. The interest in keto is commercial, too. As a result, there are many more products available to help make carb restriction easier. Things like high fat, artificially sweetened treats and “meal in a bottle” shakes, too. Keto eaters have more options, which is great. But sometimes these easy options are not the best choice. Sticking with real, whole food is almost always the best choice. Real food snacks are going to be a better choice than a packaged product. Real food keto meals are going to be a better choice than a meal replacement product. We get it — sometimes convenience matters. Enjoy the packaged keto options when needed, preferably in moderation. But when you can, stick with whole foods. CNN Money: The keto craze is...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Keto boom means more options and more temptation was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Yogurt: A sugar trap!…or a healthy choice?

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

We are often told that yogurt is healthy, filled with probiotics, vitamins and minerals. But what kind of yogurt are we talking about? In a new study, we get full disclosure of what the various types of yogurt in the grocery store actually contain. BBC: Yoghurts (even organic ones) ‘full of sugar’ The Times: ‘Healthy’ organic yoghurts are packed full of sugar ABC News: Yogurt: A good source of vitamins, minerals…and sugar After studying nearly 900 kinds of yogurt in the UK, the researchers found that an alarming number of brands were really high in sugar. Yogurt desserts contained the most sugar — an average of 16.4 g per 100 g. One might be fooled by a yogurt labelled organic, but the research actually found that organic yogurts were among the most sugary – containing more sugar per 100 g than cola. The only yogurt that had an acceptable amount of sugar, with under 5 g per 100 g, is plain Greek yogurt, which also contains more protein. Yogurt is healthy for most...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Yogurt: A sugar trap!…or a healthy choice? was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Cooking keto with Dr. Èvelyne Bourdua-Roy

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27 viewsThe first episode of season 2 with Cooking Keto with Kristie is finally here! In this episode, Kristie invites Dr. Èvelyne Bourdua-Roy to join her in the kitchen making some delicious “Swedish” meatballs. While making the maybe-not-so-Swedish-after-all dish (after some kick feedback from the Swedish video team) they’re discussing a wide range of keto and low-carb related topics. Like how you could help your whole family to enjoy a low-carb diet, why dried parsley is more convenient than fresh and what kind of keto treats Kristie is keeping in her freezer. Kristie is also asking questions about Èvelyne’s daily work and patients and Èvelyne gives a detailed picture of what a day at her low-carb clinic can look like. Watch a part of the interview above (transcript). The full video is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership. Cooking keto with Dr. Èvelyne Bourdua-Roy – with Kristie All episodes – including eight mouthwatering...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Cooking keto with Dr. Èvelyne Bourdua-Roy was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

“Is there a risk of bleeding on keto?”

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Is it possible to start bleeding even if you’re in menopause if you start a ketogenic diet? What could a sudden heavy bleeding be about? And what is the ultimate protein to fat ratio? Get the answer to these questions in this week’s Q&A with fertility specialist Dr. Fox: Bleeding I have noticed women talking about bleeding on this diet, is this something I should be concerned about will or can this happen to me even though I no longer have periods? Margaret   Dr. Fox: Good question: Theoretically, what will happen with cycling is that people who are irregular will become more regular and hormone levels may rise closer to normal in those who are suppressed from bad metabolism. Some may notice more painful cycles as a result of increased estrogen, but the estrogen is again moving toward normal, not becoming excessive. Remember low estrogen results in worse metabolic function. There is no explanation for “random bleeding” with the diet.” Every indication is that...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

“Is there a risk of bleeding on keto?” was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

“Keto Krew” at Texas grocer works together to drop 200 pounds

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

The “Keto Krew” at a Sprouts grocery store in greater Houston is leading by example. This spontaneously-formed group of five employees has collectively lost 200 pounds, all by following a ketogenic diet. They have dropped pants sizes and gained endless energy, by cheering each other on, sharing recipes and finding new keto-friendly products in the store, they said. Even the customers are catching on. “When I have [customers] asking for certain [keto] information, I can say, ‘Let me take you to the star of the building,’ and take them to Farley or take them to Ana, ‘the keto queen,'” Glidden said. “It’s nice to work for a company that supports healthier decisions and [a healthier] lifestyle, and is working hard to provide even more support.” In spite of all the fabulous results experienced by the Keto Krew, the registered dietician interviewed at the end of the ABC News article offered perfunctory cautions about lipid profiles, even characterizing a keto diet...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

“Keto Krew” at Texas grocer works together to drop 200 pounds was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

This week’s meal plan: fish, seafood and vegetarian dishes

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Our popular keto meal-plan tool gives you everything you need to succeed on a keto low-carb diet. Meal plans, recipes and shopping lists – no planning required! Adjust, switch or skip any meal – and the recipes and shopping lists will adapt. We now have 93 low-carb meal plans available – including keto, moderate, vegetarian, dairy-free and favorites.   Low carb #3 – fish, seafood and vegetarian dishes This week’s low-carb meal plan is based on vegetarian, fish and seafood dishes, with no meat or poultry. It has three meals per day and will keep you around 30 grams of carbs. Full meal plan → Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun More Our low-carb meal plan service is free to try out for a month Learn more about the low-carb meal plan service Find our latest keto meal plans below. Top keto recipes What is everyone else eating? Check out some of our most popular keto options that thousands of readers come back to, time after time. These tasty dishes are keto...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

This week’s meal plan: fish, seafood and vegetarian dishes was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The 2-week keto challenge: “I’m amazed at how satisfied I feel”

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Over 580,000 people have signed up for our free two-week keto low-carb challenge. You’ll get free guidance, meal plans, recipes, shopping lists and troubleshooting tips – everything you need to succeed on a keto diet. Here are new fantastic stories from people who’ve taken the challenge: Feedback I have just completed the 2-week challenge. I’ve lost 10 lbs (4.5 kg). I was very surprised I wasn’t hungry at all. In fact, I sometimes didn’t eat three meals because of being full. I’m a 72-year young senior who doesn’t like to cook but the recipes were easy and fast to prepare. I am planning to continue the LCHF food plan. Thank you, Pam I loved the shopping list, as a single mom, this made life so much easier! I loved the 14-day challenge! The recipes were simple, fast and delicious! I loved the shopping list, as a single mom, this made life so much easier! I am from Quebec in Canada, I am 42 years old. I was eating keto for one1 week before the challenge and it...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

The 2-week keto challenge: “I’m amazed at how satisfied I feel” was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Keto news highlights: Teicholz, PURE and Kerrygold

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

This week, we summarize the top five news articles and studies in the low-carb realm, plus some success stories. The Wall Street Journal runs an op-ed entitled “Carbs, Good for You? Fat Chance!” by NYT bestselling author Nina Teicholz on the harm done by the recent observational study published in Lancet Public Health (and the misleading headlines that followed). She writes, “defenders of the nutrition status quo continue to mislead the public and put Americans’ health at risk.” For a longer, fully referenced piece, check out Teicholz’s Medscape article. More PURE results, this time on whole fat dairy foods, are published this week in The Lancet. This observational data shows better health outcomes for those who ate more full-fat dairy. Both The New York Times and Newsweek summarize the questions raised by the study. The American Heart Association’s dogmatic response is captured in MedPage: “Currently with the evidence that we have reviewed, we...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Keto news highlights: Teicholz, PURE and Kerrygold was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Chocolate-covered macadamia nut fat bombs

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Macadamia nuts are arguably one of the most ketogenic nuts. The only thing that could possibly make them better is — you guessed it — chocolate! These fat bombs are salty, sweet, and absolutely delicious. Full recipe → The post Chocolate-covered macadamia nut fat bombs appeared first on Diet Doctor.
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Chocolate-covered macadamia nut fat bombs was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

What to do instead of counting calories?

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

8,323 viewsA while ago, Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt met Dr. Jason Fung to discuss calorie counting. Is it the best way to lose weight or is it more complicated than the theory “calories in, calories out”? Watch a part of the interview above (transcript). The full video is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership: What to do instead of counting calories? – Dr. Jason Fung Join free for a month to get instant access to this and hundreds of other low-carb videos. Plus Q&A with experts and our awesome low-carb meal-plan service. Weight loss How to Maximize Fat Burning03:52Dr. Fung's fasting course part 2: How do you maximize fat burning? What should you eat – or not eat? Keto for beginners: weight loss06:24Dr. Eenfeldt explains everything you need to know about weight loss on a keto diet. Isn't weight loss all about counting calories?03:14To lose weight, you just eat fewer calories than you burn. Is it really that simple? Top low-carb...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

What to do instead of counting calories? was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Is low-carb the best treatment for reversing diabetes?

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

The diabetes diet debate has shifted, and the result could save millions of people. The question used to be, is a low-carb high-fat diet dangerous? Is it going to kill us? Now the question has become, is a low-carb high-fat diet the best first-line treatment for reversing diabetes in millions of people? According to a recent article in, the answer is probably: Yes. That’s an impressive evolution. The article referenced a review study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition from July 2018. The authors reviewed 36 studies that measured HgbA1c (a marker of your average three-month blood sugar level) in response to the percentage of carbohydrates vs fats consumed. They defined low carbohydrate diets as Here’s the amazing part. Even with 40% carbs, even though the difference was small and tended to decrease over time, the low carb diets showed better efficacy than low-fat diets for reducing HgbA1c. To be honest, this was a fairly low-quality study...
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Is low-carb the best treatment for reversing diabetes? was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Middle-aged men dig into the science behind low carb

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Why are middle-aged men in Britain dieting more? The Guardian reports that it may be more about health than vanity. And it’s about the style of the diets, too. A type 2 diabetes diagnosis or fear of heart disease can be a powerful motivator for men who may not care that much about how they look. Keeping up with active kids is another common stimulus. And of course, in our Instagram-ready society, there is some pressure for midlife men to look their best, too. For many men, a low-carb diet is the approach of choice. It is not just the delicious steaks and chops. The grounding of the diet in compelling science is reportedly particularly important to men. Dr. Matthew Hall, a professor and editor of the Journal of Gender Studies explains: [M]en can be more open about dieting when they follow regimes linked to specific scientific research because it is seen as more masculine. As a rule of thumb, dieting is coded as a more feminine activity. If men participate in feminine...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Middle-aged men dig into the science behind low carb was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

(Day off) KETO-CARNIVORE eating DONE RIGHT | Lab Results on ALL ANIMAL food. Scurvy? DuhBeetus?

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

(Day off) KETO-CARNIVORE eating DONE RIGHT | Lab Results on ALL ANIMAL food. Scurvy? DuhBeetus?
The Ketogenic Edge Cookbook: The Keto & Carnivore Collective - Live Community Coaching: Eat Meat Make Families TEES, TANKS, HOODIES: Joovv light: What YOU NEED to KNOW about RED LIGHT THERAPY: Award winning Ecuadorian Cacao and KETOGENIC CHOCOLATE bars: --------------- #EatMeatMakeFamilies #Keto #Carnivore --------------- US Wellness MEATS and ORGANS: Grass-fed MEAT delivered (plus FREE bacon & $15 OFF): Organic Bone Broth: Wild-Caught FISH + SEAFOOD: -------------- The Ultimate Guide to Low-Carb Baking: Salt: Lakanto: | coupon code: PRIMALEDGEHEALTH IRIS Blue...

Force your body into Ketosis with Keto OS - The #1 Ketogenic Diet Supplement

(Day off) KETO-CARNIVORE eating DONE RIGHT | Lab Results on ALL ANIMAL food. Scurvy? DuhBeetus? was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

How Cindy lost 70 pounds on keto, and helped transform the health of her family

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

402 views Cindy Miller shares her health journey in this interview: I am a RN who comes from an obese family. Loving family, smart family. Obese family. Two years ago my sister sent me the Dr. Hallberg’s TED talk on type 2 diabetes. That started our journey. As a family, we are down almost 800 lbs (363 kg). I am down 70 lbs (32 kg). My 83 and 84-year-old parents down total 80 lbs (36). My daughter with type 1 diabetes 40 lbs (18 kg) and her basal rate way down on her pump (plus she successfully delivered her first child three months ago). My life has been radically transformed to the point where I started a Facebook page. I am surprised to say it has grown beyond my expectations (Ask Nurse Cindy) to 43K followers. And I still have a full-time career at a large wound-care company. I refer SO many of my followers to I talk about you ALL the time. Smiles, Cindy Oh, this would be such a blessing to help you share hope and healing via a short...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

How Cindy lost 70 pounds on keto, and helped transform the health of her family was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Monday, September 17, 2018

Keto video course, part 8: Health effects

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

98,762 viewsIf you want to learn how to do keto right, for weight loss, increased energy or some of the many potential health benefits, we have made an entire keto course! Check it out for yourself! You can watch the first part above. Do you have some kind of health issue? Maybe you’re suffering from metabolic issues like type 2 diabetes or hypertension. Or maybe you have PCOS, IBS, epilepsy or something else? Do you want to know what kind of health benefits you could have on a keto diet? In part 8 of the keto video course, Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt explains it all, breaking it down into metabolism, brain, gut and other health benefits. Part 8 and the full keto course is available with a free trial or membership:   Keto course - health effects09:30Do you have some kind of health issue? Maybe you’re suffering from metabolic issues like type 2 diabetes or hypertension? Do you want to know what kind of health benefits you could have on a keto diet?   For more, here are...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Keto video course, part 8: Health effects was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Fat: The Documentary – official trailer

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

“People say believe half of what you see, son, and none of what you hear.” Marvin Gaye, I Heard it Through the Grapevine I love that song lyric. Even though it is rather pessimistic of what we can believe from others, it has always stuck with me. This quote rings true when it comes to filtering all the information from books and documentaries about food, our health and the environment. What speaks louder to you – a book or a movie? In today’s society, it seems like movies carry much more weight. We can debate how that signals the decline of civilization, but I’m not writing about that today! Over the past few years, we have seen a series of vegan-based documentaries garner quite a bit of attention. While they usually have a segment of truth (factory farming can be cruel and a tremendous pollutant), they also frequently promote blatant mistruths (eating an egg is the same as smoking seven cigarettes). It is hard to separate decent science from biased propaganda. How is...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Fat: The Documentary – official trailer was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Parmesan-crusted salmon bake with asparagus

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

This oven-baked low-carb goodness is everything you want a quick and hearty lunch or dinner to be. Moist and flaky salmon with a delicious Parmesan crust, paired with asparagus, all in under 30 minutes! Full recipe → The post Parmesan-crusted salmon bake with asparagus appeared first on Diet Doctor.
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Parmesan-crusted salmon bake with asparagus was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Low-carb and keto recipes to welcome fall

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Fall is just around the corner and it’s time to get cozy, dust off the slow-cooker and start planning around the rich seasonal produces. To put you in the mood, we have collected some of our favorite low-carb and keto recipes to keep on rotation. Fall makes us long for hot soups and long-simmered stews, irresistible casseroles and savory pies. Let’s take advantage of the beautiful seasonal produce like pumpkin in our desserts and hot drinks to savor the fall. Remember, the cooler temperatures offer tons of seasonal goodies to get creative with. Enjoy vegetables like Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, bell pepper and garlic, which are at their best this time of the year. These fall dishes are easy to make, satisfying and just perfect for those chilly fall days. The best low-carb and keto recipes to make this fall The post Low-carb and keto recipes to welcome fall appeared first on Diet Doctor.
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Low-carb and keto recipes to welcome fall was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Have you watched the movie Carb-Loaded yet?

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

26,877 viewsIf you want to know more about the obesity epidemic and how it has been growing in the recent decades, this is a movie for you. Carb-Loaded is possibly the best (and funniest) low-carb movie out there. Carb-Loaded – among other movies – is available for instant streaming on our membership site. Watch the trailer above and to watch all of it – try our membership for free one month, also getting instant access to more low-carb movies, video courses, video interviews, Q&A with experts, our awesome low-carb and keto meal planner, etc. Watch Carb-Loaded Try membership for free More movies Here are the top low-carb movies available, click for trailers or full movies: Cereal Killers1:00:07What if you could – in fact – break records without eating massive amounts of carbs? Run on Fat – Cereal Killers 21:01:17The great follow up to the Cereal Killers movie. What if everything you knew about sports nutrition was wrong? Statin Nation1:02:45Statin...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Have you watched the movie Carb-Loaded yet? was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Trailer: Cooking keto with Kristie, season 2!

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Which show are you gonna binge-watch this season? We know the answer! Here are some exciting news for the fans of our popular Cooking Keto with Kristie: season 2 is coming soon and the stunning Kristie Sullivan invites some of the low carb world’s top names to cook amazing keto food. Check out the trailer to discover some of our special guests! All episodes – including eight mouthwatering keto recipes – will be available with a free trial or membership. And the full first season is available for binge-watching now. Join free for a month to get instant access to this and hundreds of other low-carb videos. Plus Q&A with experts and our awesome low-carb meal-plan service. Cooking keto with Kristie Cooking keto with Kristie – Mediterranean keto flatbread08:49Do you want to learn to cook amazing keto food? Welcome to our newest project: longer cooking videos, featuring Kristie Sullivan. Ranch dressing06:46Kristie shows us how to make Ranch dressing. Low-carb...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Trailer: Cooking keto with Kristie, season 2! was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Saturday, September 15, 2018

How Cindy lost 80 pounds on keto, and helped transform the health of her family

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

52 viewsCindy Miller shares her health journey in this interview: I am a RN who comes from an obese family. Loving family, smart family. Obese family. Two years ago my sister sent me the Dr. Hallberg’s TED talk on type 2 diabetes. That started our journey. As a family, we are down almost 800 lbs (363 kg). I am down 70 lbs (32 kg). My 83 and 84-year-old parents down total 80 lbs (36). My daughter with type 1 diabetes 40 lbs (18 kg) and her basal rate way down on her pump (plus she successfully delivered her first child three months ago). My life has been radically transformed to the point where I started a Facebook page. I am surprised to say it has grown beyond my expectations (Ask Nurse Cindy) to 43K followers. And I still have a full-time career at a large wound-care company. I refer SO many of my followers to I talk about you ALL the time. Smiles, Cindy Oh, this would be such a blessing to help you share hope and healing via a short video. Transcript Cindy...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

How Cindy lost 80 pounds on keto, and helped transform the health of her family was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Nina Teicholz in WSJ: “Carbs, good for you? Fat chance!”

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Americans are more obese than ever before. Since the increased emphasis on low-fat dietary guidelines back in the 1980’s, the obesity epidemic has exploded. But dietary defenders continue to mislead the public and put Americans’ health at risk, even though the guidelines likely have made things worse. Nina Teicholz discusses the issue in The Wall Street Journal: A widely reported study last month purported to show that carbohydrates are essential to longevity and that low-carb diets are “linked to early death,” as a USA Today headline put it. The study, published in the Lancet Public Health journal, is the nutrition elite’s response to the challenge coming from a fast-growing body of evidence demonstrating the health benefits of low-carb eating… The Lancet authors, in recommending a “moderate” diet of 50% to 60% carbohydrates, essentially endorse the government’s nutrition guidelines. Because this diet has been promoted by the U.S. government for nearly 40...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Nina Teicholz in WSJ: “Carbs, good for you? Fat chance!” was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Does cholesterol cause heart disease? New study says no

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Does LDL cause heart disease? The debate rages on, and now we have another publication questioning the role of LDL as the primary cause of heart attacks and strokes. A new study published in Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology reviewed data from over 1 million individuals and concluded that LDL does not cause heart disease. This is in direct contradiction to recent publication European Society of Cardiology stating that LDL does directly cause heart disease. Irish Times: No evidence that high cholesterol causes heart disease Who is correct, and how do we know what is best for our long-term health? It’s complicated. That’s the answer nobody wants. Doctors, health systems and drug companies want a simple answer with a simple solution. They all have their own reasons, but the goal is the same. Don’t confuse patients. Keep the narrative one of good and bad and have a simple solution (statin prescription). And let’s not forget the rest of us individuals. We don’t want...
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Does cholesterol cause heart disease? New study says no was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Friday, September 14, 2018

Dr. Shawn Baker's heart vs Vegan Ideologue mental yoga | DAVE FELDMAN puts a bounty on CHOLESTEROL

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Dr. Shawn Baker
The Ketogenic Edge Cookbook: The Keto & Carnivore Collective - Live Community Coaching: Eat Meat Make Families TEES, TANKS, HOODIES: --------------- #EatMeatMakeFamilies #Keto #Carnivore --------------- US Wellness MEATS and ORGANS: Grass-fed MEAT delivered (plus FREE bacon & $15 OFF): Organic Bone Broth: Wild-Caught FISH + SEAFOOD: -------------- Award winning Ecuadorian Cacao Products and KETOGENIC CHOCOLATE bars: The Ultimate Guide to Low-Carb Baking: Salt: Lakanto: | coupon code: PRIMALEDGEHEALTH Joovv light: What YOU NEED to KNOW about RED LIGHT THERAPY: IRIS...

Force your body into Ketosis with Keto OS - The #1 Ketogenic Diet Supplement

Dr. Shawn Baker's heart vs Vegan Ideologue mental yoga | DAVE FELDMAN puts a bounty on CHOLESTEROL was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Britain’s NHS to fight diabetes with very low-calorie liquid diet

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As rates of type 2 diabetes soar, and the disease affects younger and younger patients, British doctors will begin a staged rollout of a trial prescribing a liquid diet of four daily servings of “fat-free shakes and soup.” The prescribed drinks, intended to be the only food consumed, will provide patients with just over 800 calories per day. Participants will follow the liquid diet for up to 5 months, and then carefully transition back to real food. This approach showed promise in the DiRECT trial, published in The Lancet last December. DiRECT was a well-designed trial, randomized by physician practice, and showed 46% of patients treated maintained remission from diabetes at 1 year, versus just 4% of control patients receiving the standard of care. It is terrific to see physicians and health systems treating type 2 diabetes as a reversible condition rather than a progressive, chronic disease. However, remission with this approach is highly dependent on maintaining weight...
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Britain’s NHS to fight diabetes with very low-calorie liquid diet was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

How Tom Watson reversed his type 2 diabetes

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Tom Watson, the deputy leader for the British Labour Party, reveals that he has reversed his type 2 diabetes and has come off his meds. How did he do it? He cut out carbs, sugar, junk food, and processed food from his diet. He says he developed diabetes through being overweight and deeply unfit, because of his addiction to sugar and fast foods. After being diagnosed in 2017 he adapted the low-carb diet and has since lost 44 kg (98 lbs) and put his diabetes in remission. In an article in Daily Express Watson says: I am very happy to reveal that my type 2 diabetes has been reversed; it’s in remission. No longer having to take medicines for diabetes is a joy. To all type 2 diabetics I say: ‘Yes, we can’. Yet the tragedy for many type 2 diabetics is that they don’t even know their condition is reversible, let alone how to achieve it. In the annual conference of ukactive, a physical activity group, he will give a speech about how he believes the official dietary guidelines...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

How Tom Watson reversed his type 2 diabetes was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

“Can I have cheat days on keto?”

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Are cheat meals and cheat days okay? Can you eat carbs without coming out of fat burning? And, what to do when allergic to nuts and on a keto diet where so many recipes include nut flour? These and other questions are answered this week by our food-addiction expert, Bitten Jonsson, RN: Unsure how to answer questionnaire after 1 year of keto I have been following keto for 1 year (60 lbs (27 kg) down, 60 to go!) and have recently been wondering what my “end game” is going to look like – whether I’ll be able to eat carbohydrates in moderation once I reach my goal weight. I took the UNCOPE survey, and I only say YES to 2 items, as I have been keto for a year… 1 for the Preoccupation (uncommon, but it happens once in a while still) and 1 for Unplanned Use (has happened only twice in 1 year – I am very adherent to keto!). However, if I had taken the UNCOPE survey before going keto, I would have answered YES to every item! I find that I can handle a single “cheat”...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

“Can I have cheat days on keto?” was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

A record of seven US states now have obesity rates above 35%

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

The US obesity rates keep escalating quickly. A record seven states now have obesity rates above 35%: At least 35% of adults in seven U.S. states were obese in 2017 – up from five states in 2016, according to self-reported obesity prevalence data from the CDC. In a news release, the CDC noted that five years ago, obesity prevalence in all seven states was under 35%. The CDC estimated that obesity costs the U.S. healthcare system $147 billion a year. Medpage Today: CDC: seven states had obesity rates above 35% in 2017 Earlier Dr. Ludwig in the NYT: The toll of America’s obesity Who is to blame for the obesity epidemic? Weight loss How to Maximize Fat Burning03:52Dr. Fung's fasting course part 2: How do you maximize fat burning? What should you eat – or not eat? Keto for beginners: weight loss06:24Dr. Eenfeldt explains everything you need to know about weight loss on a keto diet. Isn't weight loss all about counting calories?03:14To lose weight, you just...
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A record of seven US states now have obesity rates above 35% was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Thursday, September 13, 2018

This week’s meal plan: a taste of Italy

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Our popular keto meal-plan tool gives you everything you need to succeed on a keto low-carb diet. Meal plans, recipes and shopping lists – no planning required! Adjust, switch or skip any meal – and the recipes and shopping lists will adapt. We now have 93 low-carb meal plans available – including keto, moderate, vegetarian, dairy-free and favorites.   Keto #2 - a taste of Italy A ketogenic meal plan that offers you a week of delicious meals below 20 grams of carbohydrates per day with inspiration from Italian cuisine. Full meal plan → Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun More Our low-carb meal plan service is free to try out for a month Learn more about the low-carb meal plan service Find our latest keto meal plans below. Top keto recipes What is everyone else eating? Check out some of our most popular keto options that thousands of readers come back to, time after time. These tasty dishes are keto favorites for a reason: The keto bread 2 g Keto pizza
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

This week’s meal plan: a taste of Italy was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

The obesity epidemic

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

I grew up in Toronto, Canada in the early 1970s. My younger self would have been utterly shocked that today, obesity has become a rising, unstoppable global phenomenon. At that time, there were serious Malthusian fears that the world’s population would soon eclipse the world’s food production and we would face mass starvation. The major environmental concern was global cooling due to the reflection of sunlight off dust particles in the air triggering the dawn of a new Ice Age. I wonder if Time Magazine thought one of the 51 things we should do is to become a penguin… Instead, some 50 years later, we find ourselves facing exactly the opposite problems. Global cooling has long ceased to be a serious concern, but global warming and melting polar ice caps dominate the news. Instead of global hunger and mass starvation, we face an obesity epidemic, unprecedented in human history. There are many puzzling aspects to this obesity epidemic. First, what caused it? The fact that this...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

The obesity epidemic was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

The keto diet: “My body moves and feels better than it did 20 years ago”

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Mary had tried everything to lose weight but nothing would last. She went from binge eating to counting calories for decades. In her 60s she stumbled upon the Diet Doctor website and tried a keto diet: Dear Diet Doctor, This is my story. I am a 60-year-old female, I live in Grand a Forks, British Columbia, Canada. Today marks seven months since I came across the Diet Doctor site and my life changed. by the time I was 40, I was obese, over 200 pounds (90 kg) I was never overweight growing up, in fact, the opposite. I am 5’7” (170 cm) and my weight was between 135-140 (61-63 kg) from late teens until I was about 25 years old. I never gave weight much thought and didn’t notice at first the slow gain, about 5-6 pounds (2-3 kg) a year. After the first 25 pounds (11 kg), I went to Weight Watchers, weighing 167 (78 kg) and had success – I went back down to 140 (63 kg). I didn’t really change how I ate however, and I was right back up to 165-170 (75-77 kg) quite...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

The keto diet: “My body moves and feels better than it did 20 years ago” was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet