Friday, February 2, 2018

Losing weight is hard. Here's one way to make it easier.

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Man having a healthy salad and green smoothie.

Most weight-loss strategies and programs focus on the positive—telling people they can achieve their body goals if they just exercise enough willpower and deny themselves the unhealthy foods and habits that are keeping them overweight.

But the opposite approach—soberly informing dieters how tough it is to sustainably lose weight—may actually make dropping pounds easier, according to new research from Drexel University.


To perform the study, psychologists gathered more than 250 overweight and obese people and put them through one of three different weight-loss methods for three years: behavior therapy, behavior therapy with meal substitutions, or a plan that focused on changing the foods people brought into the home (aka home-based food intervention, or HFE). They discovered that the behavior therapy—boosting your own self-regulation with diet and exercise—didn’t work as well as HFE, which resulted in greater weight loss overall. Moreover, the particpants...

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Losing weight is hard. Here's one way to make it easier. was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

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