Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Getting too much salt in your diet may slow down your brain

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How much sodium should people get every day? The answer has gone up and down over the past few years.

Studies have shown that overindulging in salt can lead to higher risk of developing diabetes, heart failure, and even multiple sclerosis. But other studies have found that low-salt diets may not help everyone, and might not even contribute to lower blood pressure.

A high-salt diet, however, is now linked to increased risk of developing dementia, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Neuroscience.


In the study, researchers fed mice a diet containing either 4% or 8% salt—that's 8-16 times more then a regular mouse diet, but the higher amount is equivalent to what a human would consume at the upper limits of recommended salt consumption. (The recommended daily amount is 2,300mg, but the majority of American adults take in about 3,400mg a day, says the CDC.)

The scientists found that after eight weeks the mice showed large reductions in blood flow...

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Getting too much salt in your diet may slow down your brain was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

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