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When you make a commitment to a healthier lifestyle and begin a weight-loss journey, there are plenty of benefits for your personal health. But a recent study from the University of Connecticut found that sticking to your lifestyle changes may also benefit your partner.
In the study, researchers used a randomized, controlled design to track couples' weight-loss progress while only one of the members of the couple was actually on a weight-loss program. They found that when the member following the plan was successful, so was their partner. They assessed the pairs after three and six months, and about a third of the partners who weren't actively participating in a weight-loss plan had lost more than 3% of their starting bodyweight by the end of the study.
Researchers divided the couples into two groups: one in which one of the members of the couple was following a structured plan and receiving in-person counseling through Weight Watchers, which funded the study; and one...
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If you stick to a weight-loss plan, your partner may benefit from it, too was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet
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