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Ross Edgley is no stranger to conquering feats of fitness.
In January 2018 alone, the ultra-ripped athletic voyager made it through 100km of nonstop swimming in 48 hours—an undertaking that transformed his hands and feet into mush.
But that's not even his most impressive physical stunt to date.
At the end of 2017, Edgley attempted what most people could barely fathom: He swam 40km through the Caribbean Channel with a 100-lb log tied to his body. Red Bull followed Edgley's nearly year-long journey leading up to the epic swim and captured his intense training sessions, 15,000-calorie diet, and his fearless mindset.
Edgley not only completed the swim between the Caribbean islands of Martinique and St. Lucia, but also ended up exceeding his 40-km goal—and ultimately swam more than 100km.
Here's a behind-the-scenes look at how Edgley prepared—and conquered—this astonishing feat of fitness.
To watch the Strongman...
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Photos: Ross Edgley endures 100-kilometer 'Strongman Swim' was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet
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