Saturday, March 31, 2018

This week’s keto meal plan – inspired by Asia

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Our popular keto meal-plan tool gives you everything you need to succeed on a keto low-carb diet. Meal plans, recipes and shopping lists – no planning required! Adjust, switch or skip any meal – and the recipes and shopping lists will adapt. We now have 79 low-carb meal plans available – including keto, moderate, vegetarian, dairy-free and favorites.   Keto #16 - Inspired by Asia This week’s ketogenic meal plan offers delicious meals inspired by Asian cuisine. It will help you stay below 20 grams of carbs per day. Full meal plan → Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun More Our low-carb meal plan service is free to try out for a month Learn more about the low-carb meal plan service Find our latest keto meal plans below. Top keto recipes What is everyone else eating? Check out some of our most popular keto options that thousands of readers come back to, time after time. These tasty dishes are keto favorites for a reason: Salad sandwiches812 2 g Keto French...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

This week’s keto meal plan – inspired by Asia was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Low-carb and keto news highlights

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

  Last week, we covered emerging science and real food success stories. This week, we’ll look at longer reads and interesting articles about food and health, as well as everyone’s favorite, the wall of shame…Longer reads and interesting articles   The NYT reports on a new comprehensive scientific review that found optimal protein levels for people over 40 trying to gain muscle mass are roughly twice our federal recommendations. And remember, many women do not even get the recommended level of ~46g/day. A concise opinion piece by Ben Greenfield in The Hill on why the dietary guidelines are failing Americans, and why Congress needs to act to change them to align with modern science. Case in point, a retired special ops combat controller asks, in an op-ed in The Dallas Morning News, why so many of our troops struggle with weight? It’s not lack of exercise. His answer? It’s the food… controlled by our dietary guidelines. Might this non-invasive continuous...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Low-carb and keto news highlights was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Grilled tuna salad with garlic dressing

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Celebrate spring with a crisp, pretty salad topped with grilled tuna. Our creamy garlic dressing pulls it all together. It's simple to make so you can enjoy a a tasty keto meal AND the warm sunshine! Full recipe → The post Grilled tuna salad with garlic dressing appeared first on Diet Doctor.
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Grilled tuna salad with garlic dressing was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Friday, March 30, 2018

I STILL get TEMPTED, but it's EASIER to SAY NO on KETO | Got my Ecuadorian Driver's License

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

I STILL get TEMPTED, but it
** ENROLLMENT OPEN: ** The Keto Collective - Live Community Coaching Course: The Ketogenic Edge Cookbook: The Ultimate Guide to Low-Carb Baking: What YOU NEED to KNOW about RED LIGHT THERAPY (Podcast with Scott from JOOVV) DISCOUNT CODE: PRIMALEDGEHEALTH Recommended Keto Resources: Ketogenic sweeteners: | coupon code: PRIMALEDGEHEALTH Coconut oil, almond flour, and keto kitchen ingredients: | coupon code: PRIMALEDGEHEALTH Grass-fed and finished beef (heart and liver too!): Wild-caught fish | Grass-fed butter | Raw Milk Cheese : Primal Edge Health Podcast:...

Force your body into Ketosis with Keto OS - The #1 Ketogenic Diet Supplement

I STILL get TEMPTED, but it's EASIER to SAY NO on KETO | Got my Ecuadorian Driver's License was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Cutting calories won’t solve your weight issues – do this instead

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Contrary to what most people believe, long-term weight loss is not simply about cutting a few calories here and there. Sure, it sounds like it works, but the bottom line is that it does not. This has been proven in countless studies and also the countless tears of unsuccessful dieters desperately counting their calories like Ebenezer Scrooge counting his pennies. We pretend we live in a world where nutrition demands scientifically rigorous proof that prescribed treatments are effective. So, where are the studies that show that cutting calories causes long-term weight loss? After 50 years of desperate, intense research, guess how many studies prove its effectiveness? How about zero? That’s right, Nada. Zilch. Zero. The only reason we think the ‘caloric reduction as primary’ strategy is effective is because it’s been repeated so often. It’s like Santa Claus. When I was a kid, I thought “So, some random guy is just going to give me presents for no reason?” But repeated...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Cutting calories won’t solve your weight issues – do this instead was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Listen up, Londoners! “Change your life with low carb”

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

If you are a Londoner interested in low carb, or just happen to be in the British capital on Saturday the 21st of April, then this could be something for you. Four eminent doctors and top dietitians will hold presentations on the topic of “changing one’s life with low carb”. You can read more about the event and book tickets here: Change your life with low carb Low-carb basics Keto for beginners: Introduction08:02Learn how to do a keto diet right, in part 1 of our video course. Keto for beginners: Side effects06:58What are some common side effects of a keto diet – and how can you avoid them? How to eat LCHF11:18Dr. Eenfeldt on what you need to know to start eating a low-carb, high-fat diet. The 5 common mistakes on LCHF09:25Is it hard to reach your goal weight, are you hungry or do you feel bad? Make sure you're avoiding these mistakes. Is saturated fat bad?07:29Low carb is great. But could the saturated fat clog your arteries and kill you? Top...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Listen up, Londoners! “Change your life with low carb” was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Want beach-ready abs this summer? These are the exercises you need.

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.


Summer is on the way and everyone wants to get that chiseled beach body, which of coures, includes a flat stomach and defined abs. A lot of people (wrongly) assume that to achieve a great stomach they have to do thousands upon thousands of situps. The truth is that's only part of the equation. Having great-looking abs takes time, dedicated training, cardio and eating clean meals.

Great abs, therefore, begin first and foremost in the kitchen. It's important to try and cut out fried foods, sugars, refined and processed foods, alcohol, and even dairy (dairy is high in fat). That means eating more natural foods like vegetables, fruits, protein (such as lean meats), lentils, brown rice, whole grain breads, nuts, and drinking lots of water.


Another key to looking lean and showing stomach muscles is cardio, cardio, and more cardio. I suggest mixing up your routine and doing intervals instead of slow steady cardio. This way your body is burning more calories to the change in...

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Have you heard about Carb Cycling for extreme fat burning?  

Want beach-ready abs this summer? These are the exercises you need. was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Irish children will eat 460 tonnes of sugar this Easter

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Irish children will eat 5 million Easter eggs or the equivalent of an astounding 460 tonnes of sugar this Easter. This is what a survey conducted by the Irish Heart Foundation finds. The health-corrosive effects of this massive amount cannot be understated, and the foundation is running a campaign to stop marketing junk food to children. Just one medium-sized Easter egg contains 23 teaspoons of sugar, which is almost four times a child’s recommended daily intake… All this is happening in the midst of a child obesity crisis where children as young as eight are presenting with high blood pressure and young people are showing early signs of heart disease once only seen in middle-aged men. Irish Times: Children will eat 5m eggs (that’s 460 tonnes of sugar) this Easter Sugar Are All Carbohydrates Equally Bad?23:08Are all carbs equal – or are some forms worse than others? Is it safe to eat fruit? The problem with sugar50:01Is it fat or sugar that has triggered the...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Irish children will eat 460 tonnes of sugar this Easter was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Metabolic flexibility, and what makes a diet work

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

What is metabolic flexibility and why does it matter when determining what an optimal diet is? Is a ketogenic diet optimal for most people? And what factors should we take into account when determining what we should eat? Get the answers in this talk by best-selling author and researcher Robb Wolf from the recent Low Carb Breckenridge conference. Watch a part of the presentation above (transcript). The full video is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership: Metabolic flexibility and what makes a diet work – Robb Wolf Join free for a month to get instant access to this and hundreds of other low-carb TV videos. Plus Q&A with experts and our awesome low-carb meal-plan service. Keto Keto for beginners: Introduction08:02Learn how to do a keto diet right, in part 1 of our video course. Keto for beginners: Side effects06:58What are some common side effects of a keto diet – and how can you avoid them? Is fear of protein the new fear of...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Metabolic flexibility, and what makes a diet work was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Cream and butter popularity has Quebec’s dairy farmers producing more than ever

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

The demand for butter and cream is soaring around the world, including in Quebec. Studies showing that we don’t need to fear saturated fat and a rise in the “foodie” movement have all contributed to production hitting an all time high in the Canadian province. CBC News: Cream and butter popularity has Quebec’s dairy farmers producing more than ever Fat The unknown story of vegetable oils30:15Nina Teicholz on the history of vegetable oils – and why they are not as healthy as we've been told. Is saturated fat bad?07:29Low carb is great. But could the saturated fat clog your arteries and kill you? Top low-carb doctors answer this question. Nutrition Nuggets to Combat Conventional Dietary Advice45:06What are the seven common beliefs that are just myths, and that hold us back from understanding how to eat truly healthy foods? The Cholesterol Network System22:24Can you drastically lower your cholesterol, by eating MORE fat? The Big Fat Surprise10:36
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Cream and butter popularity has Quebec’s dairy farmers producing more than ever was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Can changing the way we eat help fight the global mental health crisis?

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

66 viewsCan changing the way we eat help fight the global mental health crisis? Could eating more animal foods and fewer plants be beneficial for your psyche? And can a ketogenic diet have a positive impact on anxiety, depression and other mood disorders? Listen to this presentation by psychiatrist Dr. Georgia Ede from the recent Low Carb Breckenridge conference to hear her answers to these questions. Watch a part of the presentation above (transcript). The full video is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership: Facing the global mental health crisis – Dr. Georgia Ede Join free for a month to get instant access to this and hundreds of other low-carb TV videos. Plus Q&A with experts and our awesome low-carb meal-plan service. Keto course Keto for beginners: Introduction08:02Learn how to do a keto diet right, in part 1 of our video course. Keto for beginners: Side effects06:58What are some common side effects of a keto diet – and how...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Can changing the way we eat help fight the global mental health crisis? was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

“I love keto, I am amazed that you can lose weight so easily while enjoying good food”

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Over 375,000 people have signed up for our free two-week keto low-carb challenge. You’ll get free guidance, meal plans, recipes, shopping lists and troubleshooting tips – everything you need to succeed on a keto diet. Here are new fantastic stories from the people who’ve taken the challenge: Feedback The diet itself is not hard at all, and not really a diet just making better carbohydrate decisions, and being conscious of how many carbs I was actually putting into my body. I enjoyed the 2 weeks, the first three days were the hardest because I felt really bad, but I know it was my body adjusting due to being diabetic. The diet itself is not hard at all, and not really a diet just making better carbohydrate decisions, and being conscious of how many carbs I was actually putting into my body. ( No wonder I was a diabetic!) I never bother to read labels before this, and I will be sure to do that from now on. I also included some intermittent fasting Monday, Wednesday, and...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

“I love keto, I am amazed that you can lose weight so easily while enjoying good food” was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Keto and fasting: “I feel as good as I haven’t felt in years”

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Ute got started with intermittent fasting after hitting an all-time high weight-wise. It helped her shed some weight, but she continued to struggle with hunger. She didn’t do anything to change her diet until her mother had a heart attack. That’s when she realized that she had to do something about what she ate, or else she was heading towards the same future. After researching on the web, she decided to give keto a try. This is her experience after only a few months on the diet: Hi Andreas, Thank you for your inspiration and the work you’re doing! I would like to share my (still quite short) low-carb story with you to motivate other people to change their diet. I’m a 50-year old woman from the Southern part of Germany and I have been on the overweight side since my early twenties. Weight went slowly up from year to year and in January 2015 I had reached 88.7 kg (196 lbs) (I am 173 cm – 5 foot 7). I have never eaten big amounts of sugar and nearly no processed foods....
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Keto and fasting: “I feel as good as I haven’t felt in years” was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Can you start keto when you’re already pregnant?

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Can you start keto when you’re already pregnant? What does Dr. Fox think about testing for food sensitivities? And how much salt should you eat on low carb? Get the answer to these questions in this week’s Q&A with the fertility specialist Dr. Fox: Can I start keto when already pregnant? Im 5 months pregnant and have never tried keto before. Is it safe for me to go low carb now to control my pregnancy weight – or should I wait until after I finish breastfeeding ? Thanks, Aoife   Dr. Fox: I think it is fine now. The key is to have calories coming in every 2 hours during the first 2 months of the diet to prevent hypoglycemia [during pregnancy]. You could slowly work into it over a week or two also. Perfectly safe and will help you a great deal! Good luck!   Also see: Eating low carb or keto when breastfeeding Is low carb and keto safe during pregnancy? What do you think about blood testing for sensitivity, allergy or intolerance to food? What do you think about blood...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Can you start keto when you’re already pregnant? was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Keto egg mice

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

I'm sure we've all either heard it or said it: "don't play with your food!". Let's make an exception, as these small keto mice are so cute, you will almost not want to eat them. A super fun way to keep the kids busy in the kitchen and an instant success on the cheese platter. Win-win! Full recipe → The post Keto egg mice appeared first on Diet Doctor.
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Keto egg mice was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Keto Pre/Post Workout Food Timing

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Keto Pre/Post Workout Food Timing #keto #lowcarb #highfat #theketodiet

Not sure how to fuel your workouts on a ketogenic diet? I’m sharing my best tips for getting the most of out your keto workouts – everything your body needs to perform optimally, from pre-workout to post workout, plus I’m answering a few common questions.

If you’re making the switch to keto while maintaining an active gym schedule, or if you’ve been keto but you’re new to keto fueled workouts, this video is for you! Right now, you might be wondering how you can fuel your workout properly without carbs… is it even possible? Should you just eat all the fat?

In short, yes, it’s possible. And no, don’t eat all the fat just yet. Say whaaat?

book reference icon
Need some exercise inspiration? You can read more about the workout routines I recommend in my digital programs, The Keto Beginning (pages 68 through 70) and Fat Fueled (pages 138 through 142).

Listen, I get it — it can be really difficult to find a pre-workout that isn’t loaded with sugar, and a post workout recovery...

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Transform your body in only 90 minutes per week: Old School, New Body

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Keto Pre/Post Workout Food Timing was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The Best Diet May Be No Diet At All

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

A 10-year study of almost 5,000 young adults found that those who managed weight the best didn't diet at all. Find out what helped them keep the weight off, and what made them put it on.
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FOR MEN ONLY: Tired of wimpy diets that don't work? Check out The Man Diet here.

The Best Diet May Be No Diet At All was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Who should use the keto diet app?

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

1,708 viewsCould you be helped by the popular keto diet app? In this interview, Dr. Eenfeldt sits down with Martina Slajerova, the brain behind the app, to talk about how it works. Watch a new part of the interview above, where she talks about who she thinks should use the app (transcript). The full interview is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership: The keto diet app and how it can help you – Martina Slajerova Join free for a month to get instant access to this and hundreds of other low-carb TV videos. Plus Q&A with experts and our awesome low-carb meal-plan service. Keto course Keto for beginners: Introduction08:02Learn how to do a keto diet right, in part 1 of our video course. Keto for beginners: Side effects06:58What are some common side effects of a keto diet – and how can you avoid them? Keto for beginners: What to eat?11:22What do you eat on a keto diet? Get the answer in part 3 of the keto course. Keto for...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Who should use the keto diet app? was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Happy low-carb Easter!

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Whatever you prefer to serve on Easter Sunday, we’ve got you covered with low-carb options. In the mood for glazed ham, roasted lamb or flaky salmon baked to perfection with lemon and butter? How about some lovely greens on the side? You’ll find them all in the recipes here: Happy Easter! Easter recipes Keto deviled eggs325 0.5 g Keto baked salmon with lemon and butter763 1 g Keto browned butter asparagus with creamy eggs430 6 g Boiled eggs with mayonnaise954 1 g Keto prosciutto-wrapped asparagus with goat cheese86 1 g Creamy lemon green beans113 5 g Keto avocado eggs with bacon sails353 1 g Scrambled eggs2,809 1 g Crunchy keto berry mousse651 3 g Fried eggs242 1 g Low-carb chocolate mousse339 6 g Butter-fried broccoli168 5 g Keto egg butter with smoked salmon and avocado224 5 g Crispy Brussels sprout salad with lemon256 9 g Spicy keto deviled eggs185 1 g The post
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Happy low-carb Easter! was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

“Food is very powerful and the right foods will literally be your medicine”

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Before and after Following a type 1 diabetes diagnosis, Zein’s weight started to climb as she required increasing amounts of insulin on her carb-rich diet. This continued for twenty years, up until the point where she decided that she had had enough. She threw out the carbs and started with a low-carb diet. I think the results that followed speak for themselves: I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 1992 just after graduating from university which came as a shock to me as I knew very little about diabetes and at the time I was a healthy weight and active young person. Over the course of the last 20 years I slowly gained weight as I required more insulin to metabolise the carbohydrate intake I was consuming which is still promoted as part of the ‘Eat well plate’ and by many diabetic dieticians as part of diabetes management. I also developed diabetic neuropathy a complication of diabetes due to high blood sugars, plantar fasciitis (inflammation in my heels) and fatty...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

“Food is very powerful and the right foods will literally be your medicine” was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Medical students learn almost nothing about nutrition and lifestyle

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

The majority of the patients who modern doctors meet suffer from lifestyle-related diseases, yet students in med school are hardly taught anything about diet and lifestyle interventions. So it’s about time the curriculum catches up with reality, say medical students. They say what they are taught is not practical or relevant to most of the medical problems they see in GP surgeries, clinics and hospitals. A leading GP estimated that up to 80% of his patients had conditions linked to lifestyle and diet. These included obesity, type 2 diabetes and depression. BBC News: We learn nothing about nutrition, claim medical students Low-carb doctors "Humans are not broken by default"15:22What is it like practicing as a low-carb doctor in Germany? Is the medical community there aware of the power of dietary interventions? "After a day or two the hunger goes away"33:21How should you handle patients who want to lose weight on low carb, as a medical doctor? A ketogenic diet...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Medical students learn almost nothing about nutrition and lifestyle was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Monday, March 26, 2018

Quick & Easy KETO ICING | simple Low-Carb Baking basics

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Quick & Easy KETO ICING | simple Low-Carb Baking basics
Recipe Post + 9 Flavor Variations ** ENROLLMENT OPEN: ** The Keto Collective - Live Community Coaching Course: The Ketogenic Edge Cookbook: The Ultimate Guide to Low-Carb Baking: What YOU NEED to KNOW about RED LIGHT THERAPY (Podcast with Scott from JOOVV) DISCOUNT CODE: PRIMALEDGEHEALTH Recommended Keto Resources: Ketogenic sweeteners: | coupon code: PRIMALEDGEHEALTH Coconut oil, almond flour, and keto kitchen ingredients: | coupon code: PRIMALEDGEHEALTH Grass-fed and finished beef (heart and liver too!): Wild-caught fish | Grass-fed butter | Raw...

Force your body into Ketosis with Keto OS - The #1 Ketogenic Diet Supplement

Quick & Easy KETO ICING | simple Low-Carb Baking basics was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

How to detoxify your body and mind

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Man meditating outdoors

Any time is the right time to reclaim your health. But it's hard when the repercussions of intense end-of-year gluttony weigh heavy on you—literally. That's why a detox (not necessarily a diet) is the perfect remedy.

If you're lethargic from lack of sleep, too low on energy to hit the gym, and out of touch with healthy averyday habits, you'll want to revitalize your overall well-being and detoxify your body and mind. Here are the best tips to make it happen. 


This isn't just laying off booze for a few weeks

"Just like the spring and winter cleaning you do for your home, it's great to do the same with your body and detoxify twice a year as the seasons change," said Mary McGuire of American Yogini in Remsenburg, New York's American Yogini.

Detoxing is quite the test of discipline and dedication. Past detoxers swear it boosts energy, increases mental clarity and has skin glowing. For first timers, optimal results come to those who spend a few days away at a retreat...

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Have you heard about Carb Cycling for extreme fat burning?  

How to detoxify your body and mind was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

A global food revolution

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

60 viewsWhat are the mistakes behind the epidemics of type 2 diabetes and obesity – and how can we work together to correct them, empowering people everywhere to revolutionize their health? Here’s Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt’s presentation from the recent Low Carb Breckenridge conference. Watch a part of the presentation above (transcript). The full interview is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership: A global food revolution – Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt Join free for a month to get instant access to this and hundreds of other low-carb TV videos. Plus Q&A with experts and our awesome low-carb meal-plan service. Dr. Eenfeldt Keto for beginners: Introduction08:02Learn how to do a keto diet right, in part 1 of our video course. Keto for beginners: Side effects06:58What are some common side effects of a keto diet – and how can you avoid them? Keto for beginners: What to eat?11:22What do you eat on a keto diet? Get the answer in part 3 of...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

A global food revolution was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Reminder – Looking for a new Diet Doctor editor

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Are you passionate about the great impact a low-carb diet can have on people’s health? Are you looking for an exciting and stimulating job where you can make a positive difference in the world? Do you want to be a part of our fantastic Team Diet Doctor in Stockholm (Sweden) as an editor? This is your chance (last day to apply is March 30): Looking for a new Diet Doctor editor The post Reminder – Looking for a new Diet Doctor editor appeared first on Diet Doctor.
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Reminder – Looking for a new Diet Doctor editor was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

The US: Adult obesity rate hits all time high at 40%

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

There’s no end in sight to the increasing obesity epidemic, even among children where it previously seemed to have come to a halt. A new depressing cross-sectional survey finds that 39.6% of the adult American population now falls into the obese category. This increases the population risk of all kinds of metabolic diseases, like high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, diabetes type 2 and cancer. JAMA Network: Trends in obesity and severe obesity prevalence in US youth and adults by sex and age, 2007-2008 to 2015-2016 The New York Times: American adults just keep getting fatter The culprit? A poor diet, mostly. While the latest survey data doesn’t explain why Americans continue to get heavier, nutritionists and other experts cite lifestyle, genetics, and, most importantly, a poor diet as factors. Fast food sales in the United States rose 22.7 percent from 2012 to 2017, according to Euromonitor, while packaged food sales rose 8.8 percent. While fast food deserve some of...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

The US: Adult obesity rate hits all time high at 40% was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Keto white pizza

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Pizza without tomato sauce? You definitely won't miss the red carpet in this white version. We ditched the tomatoes and gluten, doubled up on cheese and added a dash of rosemary. Less is more! Full recipe → The post Keto white pizza appeared first on Diet Doctor.
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Keto white pizza was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Can a keto diet actually work for endurance athletes?

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Should you start a keto diet if you are an endurance or strength athlete? Mark Sisson at Mark’s Daily Apple has written quite an extensive article on the topic, with long-distance athlete and Virta Health founder Sami Inkinen in the spotlight. The bottom line? It can dramatically improve your performance, by improving your recovery time, health and stave off “bonking”. Mark’s Daily Apple: Can keto actually work for hard-training endurance or power/strength athletes? More Keto for beginners Exercise Cereal Killers1:00:07What if you could – in fact – break records without eating massive amounts of carbs? Run on Fat – Cereal Killers 21:01:17The great follow up to the Cereal Killers movie. What if everything you knew about sports nutrition was wrong? Fat Chance1:05:43Is it possible to ride a pushbike across the Australian continent (2,100 miles) without eating carbs? Is low carb bad for exercise?02:45Can you exercise on a low-carb diet? Top...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Can a keto diet actually work for endurance athletes? was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Should you measure ketones if you have type 2 diabetes?

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

1,165 viewsShould you measure ketones on a keto diet? Dr. Westman guides you through all the situations when measuring is beneficial – and when it’s not. The basic idea is that you do not have to measure ketones to be successful, but there are some situations where it may be very helpful. In this interview Dr. Westman teaches you exactly when you may want to test ketones, and the best way to do it. Watch a new part of the interview above, where he talks about whether type 2 diabetics should measure ketones (transcript). The full interview is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership: Do you need to check your ketones? – Dr. Eric Westman Join free for a month to get instant access to this and hundreds of other low-carb TV videos. Plus Q&A with experts and our awesome low-carb meal-plan service. Keto course Keto for beginners: Introduction08:02Learn how to do a keto diet right, in part 1 of our video course. Keto for beginners: Side...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Should you measure ketones if you have type 2 diabetes? was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Asparagus – low-carb recipes for spring

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

The delicate asparagus comes in green, white and even purple. They’re all really tasty and packed with nutrients. At the same time, they’re low in carbs (about 2-3 %), easy to cook and very versatile. Here you’ll find some inspiration for this lovely spring low-carb super veggie. Asparagus – low-carb recipes for spring Asparagus recipes Low-carb vegetarian cheese burger43 8 g Keto browned butter asparagus with creamy eggs430 6 g Boiled eggs with mayonnaise954 1 g Keto prosciutto-wrapped asparagus with goat cheese86 1 g Keto fried salmon with asparagus13 2 g Roasted spring vegetables with eggs and browned butter35 7 g Grilled tuna salad with garlic dressing2 9 g The post Asparagus – low-carb recipes for spring appeared first on Diet Doctor.
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Asparagus – low-carb recipes for spring was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

How we ended up scapegoating fat and vindicating sugar

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

How come we ended up believing that fat and cholesterol were artery-clogging? Was there actually any hard science in support of this? Well – no. If you’re curious about the specifics, then here’s a concise article about how we ended up blaming fat (possibly for what the carbs did) without any good evidence. The Low-Carb High-Fat Dietitian: Bad fat and enduring beliefs Fat The unknown story of vegetable oils30:15Nina Teicholz on the history of vegetable oils – and why they are not as healthy as we've been told. Is saturated fat bad?07:29Low carb is great. But could the saturated fat clog your arteries and kill you? Top low-carb doctors answer this question. Nutrition Nuggets to Combat Conventional Dietary Advice45:06What are the seven common beliefs that are just myths, and that hold us back from understanding how to eat truly healthy foods? The Cholesterol Network System22:24Can you drastically lower your cholesterol, by eating MORE fat? The Big...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

How we ended up scapegoating fat and vindicating sugar was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Friday, March 23, 2018

Cooking keto video: Mushroom frittata

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Known as “Italy’s open-faced omelet,” frittatas are easy to make and so versatile, you can enjoy them at any meal! Fresh mushrooms and creamy cheese—bellissimo and keto-proof! Watch the video above and feel free to share it. Here’s the full written recipe: Keto mushroom and cheese frittata620 6 g Top video recipes Ranch dressing06:46Kristie shows us how to make Ranch dressing. Cooking keto with Kristie – Mediterranean keto flatbread08:49Do you want to learn to cook amazing keto food? Welcome to our newest project: longer cooking videos, featuring Kristie Sullivan. Keto chicken pot pie16:09Kristie shows us how to cook chicken pot pie without the carbs. Sullivan's KeDough pizza17:46One of the hardest things to do well on a keto diet is a great pizza. Kristie shows us how to make possibly the best keto pizza in the world, the KeDough pizza. Low-carb Gumbalaya14:37Kristie treats us to a delicious low-carb Gumbalaya. The keto bread
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Cooking keto video: Mushroom frittata was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

New keto meal plan – fresh and flavorful

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Our popular keto meal-plan tool gives you everything you need to succeed on a keto low-carb diet. Meal plans, recipes and shopping lists – no planning required! Adjust, switch or skip any meal – and the recipes and shopping lists will adapt. We now have 79 low-carb meal plans available – including keto, moderate, vegetarian, dairy-free and favorites – we’re adding at least one new plan every week.   Keto #43 - fresh and flavorful This week’s meal plan includes new recipes like a crispy crusted chicken and white pizza mixed with classics like our Tex-Mex burger plate and rutabaga fritters served with a side of bacon. You’ll enjoy this and much more while staying below 20 grams of carbs per day. Full meal plan → Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun More Our low-carb meal plan service is free to try out for a month Learn more about the low-carb meal plan service Find our latest keto meal plans below. Top keto recipes What is everyone else eating? Check out some...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

New keto meal plan – fresh and flavorful was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

The keto diet: “To sum it up, I feel fantastic”

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Catherine wanted to do something about her weight, and so headed to a counsellor who recommended Diet Doctor to get started. The first few weeks were hard but she persevered and soon found that eating a keto diet was really easy and she has now lost 50 lbs (23 kg). This is exactly how she did it: What an amazing year it has been for me. My infant grand-daughter (one of an identical twin) came through open heart surgery like a trooper. It was a miracle for us! Then there was the revelation that I needed to do something about my weight. While I did not have any medical conditions diagnosed, I was just not feeling my best. These thoughts were in my mind daily… today was the day I would be good and not eat anything that might add on the pounds. The day would go on, and I would inevitably lose my willpower and eat everything in site… Ughhhh. I had been on several diet programs all through my 57 years, and while I may have lost some weight, it was always a struggle… and...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

The keto diet: “To sum it up, I feel fantastic” was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Canada: Sign the parliamentary petition to change food labelling

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Food labelling warning against saturated fat and salt are not supported in modern science, yet Canada is about to implement that. If you want to help change that, and you’re a Canadian citizen, you can sign this petition, initiated by Dr. Barbra Allen Bradshaw: Petition to the minister of health, regarding labelling of food products Earlier Help change the Canadian dietary guidelines Massively important: A unique opportunity to change the US Dietary Guidelines Dietary guidelines The unknown story of vegetable oils30:15Nina Teicholz on the history of vegetable oils – and why they are not as healthy as we've been told. The three top most common myths about low carb09:18What are the three most common myths about low carb? And given all this misinformation – how can you convince even your doctor that low carb can be beneficial to you? The Big Fat Fix1:19:34Donal O'Neill and Dr. Aseem Malhotra star in this excellent documentary about the failed low-fat ideas of...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Canada: Sign the parliamentary petition to change food labelling was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Cracking the CHOLESTEROL CODE | Dave Feldman | the truth about Cholesterol & Low Carb Keto Diets

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Cracking the CHOLESTEROL CODE | Dave Feldman | the truth about Cholesterol & Low Carb Keto Diets
Dave's site: ** ENROLLMENT OPEN: ** The Keto Collective - Live Community Coaching Course: The Ketogenic Edge Cookbook: The Ultimate Guide to Low-Carb Baking: What YOU NEED to KNOW about RED LIGHT THERAPY (Podcast with Scott from JOOVV) DISCOUNT CODE: PRIMALEDGEHEALTH Recommended Keto Resources: Ketogenic sweeteners: | coupon code: PRIMALEDGEHEALTH Coconut oil, almond flour, and keto kitchen ingredients: | coupon code: PRIMALEDGEHEALTH Grass-fed and finished beef (heart and liver too!): Wild-caught fish | Grass-fed butter | Raw Milk Cheese : Primal Edge Health...

Force your body into Ketosis with Keto OS - The #1 Ketogenic Diet Supplement

Cracking the CHOLESTEROL CODE | Dave Feldman | the truth about Cholesterol & Low Carb Keto Diets was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Your perfect body game plan for 2018

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Fitness model showing off his abs
Marius Bugge

Let's not kid each other: as much as we hit the gym to feel awesome, live longer, compete with our buddies, relieve stress, and, of course, have a damn good time slinging giant pieces of steel, it doesn’t hurt that working out makes us look damn good, too. Which means that, if you’re a guy seeking to round out your sex appeal, you’re probably more than familiar with all the coveted (admittedly superficial) physical attributes that constitute a “perfect male physique”—the ones even hardcore gym rats have trouble achieving.

These include the well-defined arm “horseshoe” (see: Mark Wahlberg in The Fighter), ridiculously chiseled V-cut abs (see: Brad Pitt in Fight Club), and the giant wingspan of a well-carved upper back (see: Hugh Jackman in any film in which he sprouts metallic claws). So, with the help of some of the nation’s best trainers, strength coaches, and strongmen, we’ve laid out in exhaustive detail everything it takes to achieve them....

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Have you heard about Carb Cycling for extreme fat burning?  

Your perfect body game plan for 2018 was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Fried fish with yogurt and walnut dip

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Love life's simple pleasures? Then how about butter-fried fish with a fresh, silky yogurt dip? Easy prep but tasty result means this simple keto dinner may become an instant family favorite. Perfect paired with snow peas for added crunch! Full recipe → The post Fried fish with yogurt and walnut dip appeared first on Diet Doctor.
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Fried fish with yogurt and walnut dip was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

New recipe feature: Full nutrition info, including macronutrient grams and calories

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

It’s one of our most requested features, and we just launched it today. All our 500+ low-carb and keto recipes at Diet Doctor now show grams of net carbs, fiber, protein and fat per serving, plus calories. We don’t recommend counting calories on a low-carb or keto diet (here’s why). However, many people still wonder about it, and may be tracking it, and we want to make life simpler for all of our visitors. The nutritional info is based on the USDA database. Have a look at any recipe or our main recipe page, the info is under the nutrition tab. Popular low-carb recipes The keto bread6,720 2 g Keto pizza5,190 8 g Keto Naan bread with melted garlic butter4,253 1 g Keto chicken casserole2,670 6 g Keto Asian cabbage stir-fry2,003 10 g Fathead pizza2,287 10 g Keto pancakes with berries and whipped cream4,674 5 g Keto BLT with oopsie bread6,006 4 g Keto garlic bread2,827 1 g Keto pesto chicken casserole with feta...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

New recipe feature: Full nutrition info, including macronutrient grams and calories was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Why you shouldn’t fear protein on keto

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

89 viewsShould you really fear protein on a keto diet? Here’s the most controversial and talked-about presentation of the recent Low Carb Breckenridge conference. Dr. Benjamin Bikman challenges the worry about protein on a keto diet, based on the fact that the effects of protein may not be the same on a standard vs. keto diet. Specifically, protein has a very different effect on the way the hormones insulin and glucagon work, depending on what diet you’re on. Watch a part of the presentation above (transcript). The full presentation is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership: Insulin vs glucagon – Dr. Benjamin Bikman Join free for a month to get instant access to this and hundreds of other low-carb TV videos. Plus Q&A with experts and our awesome low-carb meal-plan service. Earlier Is fear of protein the new fear of fat?35:03Could protein restriction on a low-carb or keto diet cause problems?   Keto Keto for beginners:...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Why you shouldn’t fear protein on keto was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

“I didn’t just beat my best time running on a keto diet – I crushed it”

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Have you thrown out your high-carb sports drinks and gone on a keto diet to improve your long-distance running? This may urge you to do so if you haven’t already. This marathon enthusiast not only improved his best-ever running time while in ketosis, he apparently “crushed it” by 5 minutes. Along the way, he also discovered some additionally welcomed side effects: I also lost weight, which made me lighter on my feet. And because I wasn’t stuffing my face with foods (carbs) that cause inflammation, I recovered quickly after my hardest runs. The New York Post: I didn’t just beat my best time running on a keto diet – I crushed it Want to try the same thing? Check out the links below. Exercise and low carb Cereal Killers1:00:07What if you could – in fact – break records without eating massive amounts of carbs? Run on Fat – Cereal Killers 21:01:17The great follow up to the Cereal Killers movie. What if everything you knew about sports nutrition was...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

“I didn’t just beat my best time running on a keto diet – I crushed it” was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

100 pounds gone in a year thanks to keto and fasting

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

#keto #keto4life #50to51 #ReverseAging #AmazingJourney #Slainte #HBD Thank you @drjasonfung and @DietDoctor1 for your life-changing work! — Christine_317 (@ChristineT317) March 17, 2018 Christine’s journey is nothing short of Amazing with a capital A. In only a year, she has lost 100 lbs (45 kg) and transformed her health with a keto diet and intermittent fasting. She wrote to us before and told us how she did it (and it ended up being the second most popular success story of 2017). Above you see a recent tweet from her, and it looks like she is still doing fantastic. Congratulations Christine! Get started Do you want to try what Christine has done? Sign up for our free 2-week keto low-carb challenge! Alternatively, use our free keto low-carb guide, or for maximum simplicity try out our keto meal planner service with weekly delicious keto menus and shopping lists – it’s free to use for a month. Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun More Keto for...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

100 pounds gone in a year thanks to keto and fasting was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Diet, health and the environment

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

599 viewsWe often hear that animal agriculture is a big culprit in climate change and environmental degradation. But Dr. Ballerstedt argues against this claim in his presentation from the Low Carb USA 2017, and shows how ruminants – like cows – can be part of the solution. Watch a part of the presentation above, where he talks about the difference between plant and animal protein and how it relates to the environment (transcript). The full interview is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership: Diet, health and the environment – Dr. Peter Ballerstedt Join free for a month to get instant access to this and hundreds of other low-carb TV videos. Plus Q&A with experts and our awesome low-carb meal-plan service. Meat Is low carb bad for the environment?07:09Won’t low carb contribute to global warming and pollution? Top low-carb doctors answer this question. Diet, health and the environment50:49Dr. Peter Ballerstedt explains how...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Diet, health and the environment was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

When should you eat if you’re working night shifts?

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

What should you do if you overeat on low-carb high-fat foods? And should you eat between your working hours when working night shifts? And where does the body get its protein from if you’re working out during an extended fast? It’s time for this week’s Q&A about intermittent fasting and low carb with Dr. Jason Fung: Low-carb high-fat trigger foods Dear Jason, Thanks for helping people and many thanks for intermittent fasting. Question: I am a lean woman (164 cm, 58 kg – 5’4″, 128 lbs). I eat keto (30 grams net carbs). I overeat on keto because of some trigger foods: nuts, cheese, cream and avocados. This is not an emotional binge. I find it really difficult not to overeat these foods. Still… these are high-fat foods, what’s the deal with them? Why do they increase my appetite so much? I thought high fat low carb/keto was everything I needed to decrease my appetite… What’s your theory about these foods? And what do you suggest? Just eliminate them? All the...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

When should you eat if you’re working night shifts? was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

The keto diet: “I am not stopping. This is amazing.”

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Over 370,000 people have signed up for our free two-week keto low-carb challenge. You’ll get free guidance, meal plans, recipes, shopping lists and troubleshooting tips – everything you need to succeed on a keto diet. Here are new fantastic stories from the people who’ve taken the challenge: Feedback This is absolutely the best ‘diet’ I have ever been on, and believe me when I say that I have tried so many. I love the keto low-carb challenge. I lost 4.5 kg (10 lbs) in the 2 weeks. This is absolutely the best ‘diet’ I have ever been on, and believe me when I say that I have tried so many. I did have some carb/sugar withdrawals in the first week, but they were worth it! I feel so energetic, and the best I have felt in about 10 years. Why hadn’t I heard of this before? :) Janine Hello Dr. Eenfeldt, The two-week challenge was amazing! I am a 56-year old, female with a lifetime addiction to sugar. I live in Port Townsend, Washington. I have a desk job so I do not...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

The keto diet: “I am not stopping. This is amazing.” was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Chicken Enchilada Zucchini Boats (keto, low-carb, + paleo)

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Chicken Enchilada Zucchini Boats #keto #lowcarb #highfat #theketodietKeto chicken enchilada zucchini boats with the perfect spice blend, tender bone broth simmered chicken, fresh veggies, and all of your favorite toppings with dairy-free options.

I might be a day late for Taco Tuesday, but why should we relegate a dinner fiesta to only one day? I’m doing something new: Enchilada Everyday, starting now.

The chicken in this dish is simmered for 2 hours in bone broth… it’s juicy and tender and not only does it taste good, it makes you feel bueno, and that’s definitely a reason to celebrate.

I mean, look at those colors! It’s a zucchini boat fiesta, for sure.

Chicken Enchilada Zucchini Boats #keto #lowcarb #highfat #theketodiet

I used Kettle & Fire Chicken Bone Broth for this recipe because it’s my favorite. I’ve been talking about bone broth a LOT lately – it’s got a ton of health benefits, it tastes great, it’s perfect for keto, and I absolutely love cooking with it. The only thing is, making bone broth at home, (which is an RV for me!) isn’t always feasible.

Luckily, I don’t have to worry...

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Chicken Enchilada Zucchini Boats (keto, low-carb, + paleo) was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Dr. Malhotra on the healthcare crisis: “We can’t drug people into being healthy”

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Is the solution to the healthcare crisis, strained by an epidemic of lifestyle-related chronic disease, really to come up with more drugs? Watch Dr. Aseem Malhotra debate against the CEO of Astra Zeneca above. Dr. Malhotra’s message? We can’t drug people into being healthy. Especially not when prescription drugs are already the third leading cause of death in the US. Dr. Malhotra The Big Fat Fix1:19:34Donal O'Neill and Dr. Aseem Malhotra star in this excellent documentary about the failed low-fat ideas of the past and how to really get healthy. Should You Worry About High Cholesterol?13:49Is high cholesterol inherently dangerous, who should (and shouldn't) take statins and what can you do instead of taking medications? "Lifestyle changes are much more powerful"06:46Can you improve your health a lot in just 21 days? And if so, what should you do? Action on Sugar37:12Why is sugar today just like tobacco a few decades ago? And what should we do about it?...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Dr. Malhotra on the healthcare crisis: “We can’t drug people into being healthy” was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Is there any good science on type 1 diabetes and low carb?

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

What things should a doctor know when treating type 1 diabetic patients with a ketogenic diet? Are there any common problems? And what are the best practical tips and supporting science? Dr. Ian Lake is a general practicioner and a type 1 diabetic patient himself. In this interview, he shares his insights about treating type 1 diabetes with a ketogenic diet. Watch a part of the interview above, where he discusses the science on low carb and type 1 diabetes (transcript). The full interview is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership: Treating type 1 diabetes with a keto diet – Dr. Ian Lake Join free for a month to get instant access to this and hundreds of other low-carb TV videos. Plus Q&A with experts and our awesome low-carb meal-plan service. Type 1 diabetes Get off the type 1 diabetes roller coaster11:31Dr. Ali Irshad Al Lawati, type 1 diabetic and a doctor, talks about how to manage the disease on a low-carb diet. How to Avoid...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Is there any good science on type 1 diabetes and low carb? was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

How to get enough omega 3 fats if you’re allergic to fish?

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

579 viewsFranziska Spritzler answers questions about how to formulate an optimal low-carb or keto diet after her presentation at the latest Low Carb USA conference. Watch a part of the Q&A session above, where she answers the question how to get enough omega 3 fats on a low-carb diet if you’re allergic to fish (transcript). The full interview is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership: Q&A with Franziska Spritzler Join free for a month to get instant access to this and hundreds of other low-carb TV videos. Plus Q&A with experts and our awesome low-carb meal-plan service. Low-carb basics Keto for beginners: Introduction08:02Learn how to do a keto diet right, in part 1 of our video course. Keto for beginners: Side effects06:58What are some common side effects of a keto diet – and how can you avoid them? How to eat LCHF11:18Dr. Eenfeldt on what you need to know to start eating a low-carb, high-fat diet. The 5 common mistakes...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

How to get enough omega 3 fats if you’re allergic to fish? was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

“I’m going to continue keto forever”

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Lance has been on an incredible keto journey, to say the least. He initially started the diet as a way to manage his epilepsy, and ended up losing 70 lbs (32 kg) and reversing pre-diabetes. Here is his story and inspiring words for anyone who wants to do the same thing: My weight and health was out of control. My doctor said I was borderline diabetic and sent me to diabetes and nutrition classes. They were interesting and I learned a lot, but a calorie-restrictive diet wasn’t working. I’m a carbohydrate addict. It’s a real thing. Corn, potatoes, macaroni and cheese, bread, pasta, Australian licorice – these are drugs to me. I also have a portion-control problem. Growing up in the south I was used to large portions of comfort food all day long. If I was celebrating, I ate. If I was depressed, I ate. If I was bored, I ate. It got worse. I have a genetic form of epilepsy that didn’t kick in until I was 40. I started having very serious seizures. Medication wasn’t...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

“I’m going to continue keto forever” was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Monday, March 19, 2018

Feast For A Beast: Evan Centopani Goes Food Shopping In Dubai

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

When Evan Centopani visited Dubai on behalf of Animal, he didn't know what to expect, especially diet-wise. What he found was a feast fit for any bodybuilder.
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FOR MEN ONLY: Tired of wimpy diets that don't work? Check out The Man Diet here.

Feast For A Beast: Evan Centopani Goes Food Shopping In Dubai was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Looking for a new Diet Doctor editor

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Are you passionate about the great impact a low-carb diet can have on people’s health? Are you looking for an exciting and stimulating job where you can make a positive difference in the world? Do you want to be a part of our fantastic Team Diet Doctor in Stockholm (Sweden) as an editor? This is your chance. About the job We’re looking for a driven individual with an excellent command of written English. The daily tasks include searching for news, creating blog posts, related editorial work and daily publishing of blog posts. Required traits and criteria An excellent command of the English language, impeccable written language, and perhaps also Swedish. Love to work independently, and to get things done fast with consistently high quality, even at a high pace. Excellent ability to collaborate, be meticulous and flexible. A great capacity to learn quickly. You should preferably eat some sort of low-carb diet and believe in its ability to help people. Be able to work at our...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Looking for a new Diet Doctor editor was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

The unknown story of vegetable oils

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

15 viewsShould you eat vegetable oils such as margarine? Or could everything we’ve been told about healthy fat be completely wrong? Investigative journalist Nina Teicholz talks us through the unknown history of vegetable oils in this presentation from the recent Low Carb Breckenridge conference. Watch a part of the presentation above (transcript). The full interview is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership: The unknown story of vegetable oils – Nina Teicholz Join free for a month to get instant access to this and hundreds of other low-carb TV videos. Plus Q&A with experts and our awesome low-carb meal-plan service. Nina Teicholz Did the Introduction of the Dietary Guidelines Start the Obesity Epidemic?35:12Did the introduction of the dietary guidelines start the obesity epidemic? The Big Fat Surprise10:36Have three decades of dietary (low-fat) advice from the US government been a mistake? It seems the answer is a definite yes.
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

The unknown story of vegetable oils was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Help change the Canadian dietary guidelines

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

Do you want to help change the Canadian guidelines regarding saturated fat and salt? They are currently not really supported by science. In that case you can send an email to Health Canada before the 27th of April. Simply follow the steps outlined here: Canadian Clinicians for Therapeutic Nutrition: Send your feedback to Health Canada and your MP on ‘Front of Package Labeling’ Are you an American? You can help change the US dietary guidelines here: Massively important: A unique opportunity to change the US Dietary Guidelines Dietary guidelines The three top most common myths about low carb09:18What are the three most common myths about low carb? And given all this misinformation – how can you convince even your doctor that low carb can be beneficial to you? A global food revolution45:44Around the world, a billion people with obesity, type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance could benefit from low carb. So how can we make low carb simple for a billion people?
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Help change the Canadian dietary guidelines was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Zucchini fritters with beet salad

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

All-star zucchini fritters are a vegetarian delight. Pair them with a fresh salad with beets, red cabbage and a creamy yellow sauce on top, and eat a low-carb rainbow! Full recipe → The post Zucchini fritters with beet salad appeared first on Diet Doctor.
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Zucchini fritters with beet salad was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

LIVE! Ask us anything | Keto Collective Community Coaching Course (APRIL) OPEN for enrollment

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

LIVE! Ask us anything | Keto Collective Community Coaching Course (APRIL) OPEN for enrollment
ENROLLMENT OPEN: The Keto Collective - Live Community Coaching Course The Ketogenic Edge Cookbook: The Ultimate Guide to Low-Carb Baking: Joovv light: DISCOUNT CODE: PRIMALEDGEHEALTH JOIN us on STEEMIT, it's not perfect but it's a step in the right direction in the exodus from the Goolag and a good testing ground for the (soon to come) TRULY decentralized platforms waiting for US to make them: Recommended Keto Resources: Ketogenic sweeteners: | coupon code: PRIMALEDGEHEALTH Coconut oil, almond flour, and keto kitchen ingredients: | coupon code: PRIMALEDGEHEALTH Grass-fed and finished beef (heart and...

Force your body into Ketosis with Keto OS - The #1 Ketogenic Diet Supplement

LIVE! Ask us anything | Keto Collective Community Coaching Course (APRIL) OPEN for enrollment was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Sunday, March 18, 2018

A closer look at infant neural tube defects and diets – do you know what to eat for the sake of your unborn child?

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

I have been thinking a lot lately about what women in their childbearing years should know about neural tube defects, or NTDs — especially those eating a low-carb or ketogenic diet. A NTD is a serious malformation affecting the brain or spinal column of the developing fetus. It arises within the first 30 days after conception, often before many women even know they are pregnant. Each year, there are at about 300,000 NTD-affected pregnancies worldwide, with potentially many more NTDs that go unreported. Women around conception need to consume enough folate/folic acid — also known as vitamin B9 — to reduce the risk of NTDs. For the last few decades it has been known that women around conception need to consume enough folate/folic acid — also known as vitamin B9 — to reduce the risk of NTDs. Many women of reproductive age are now choosing a ketogenic or low carb high fat diet for weight loss, diabetes reversal, PCOS, improved fertility. Don’t worry. You can get all...
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A closer look at infant neural tube defects and diets – do you know what to eat for the sake of your unborn child? was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

Being a keto doctor in the Middle East

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

459 viewsDr. Ali Irshad Al Lawati is a low-carb doctor working in Oman. In this interview, he talks about the interesting story about how he got started with low carb, his experiences as a low-carb physician and the differences when promoting low-carb lifestyles in the muslim community. Watch a new part of the interview above, where he talks about how he got into low carb (transcript). The full session is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership: Being a keto doctor in the Middle East – Dr. Ali Irshad Al Lawati Join free for a month to get instant access to this and hundreds of other low-carb TV videos. Plus Q&A with experts and our awesome low-carb meal-plan service. Low-carb doctors A ketogenic diet and fewer vegetables17:26Should you NOT eat your vegetables? An interview with psychiatrist Dr. Georgia Ede. "After a day or two the hunger goes away"33:21How should you go about promoting low carb as a medical doctor? How to help...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Being a keto doctor in the Middle East was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet