Monday, April 24, 2017

Professor Lustig: “Insulin Drives All of the Behaviors Seen in Obesity”

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The only way to fight the diabesity epidemic effectively is to switch to a low-sugar diet with real food, argues Professor Robert Lustig. That way your insulin (the fat-storing hormone) dramatically drops and you can lose weight effortlessly. In contrast to popular false beliefs, weight loss and health should not be a constant battle uphill through calorie restriction, which simply doesn’t work: Following current dietary advice is counterintuitive to achieving a healthy weight. The reason is the myth of energy balance. If you believe this, then you believe that obesity is a physics problem; too much energy in, too little energy out. Energy balance assumes that all calories are equal, no matter where they come from. Rather, obesity is about energy deposition into fat tissue. Obesity is a biochemistry problem, and where those nutrients came from determine where they go in the body. It’s called nutritional biochemistry and it shows that all calories are not created equal. The...
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Professor Lustig: “Insulin Drives All of the Behaviors Seen in Obesity” was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

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