Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Sleight of hand

Is it possible to lose weight without starvation? FREE Download: Ketogenic Diet Book » KetoVIP.

“Oh gosh! I see carbs!” The filter between my brain and my mouth temporarily malfunctioned. I hadn’t realized it until I noticed that three people had turned to look at me. We were all gathered at a mutual friend’s house, and we were helping to prepare foods for the buffet table. The menu was supposed to be low carb and yet here I was, staring at loads of vegetables. Their looks required an explanation. With a nervous giggle, I laughed at myself and said, “I’m sorry. After so many years of keto, I no longer see foods. I see macronutrients. Foods have carbs, fat, or protein and often some of each, but I automatically look at a dish and start calculating the nutrient content. When I see a salad with lettuce and lots of veggies, I get a warning light in my brain. That dish,” I pointed, “would be low carb, but it wouldn’t give me the essential nutrients of fat and protein.” I giggled again, “My brain looks for fat first!” Instead of explaining away and...
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Check out The Ketosis Cookbook with over 370 Keto recipes in 16 categories!

Sleight of hand was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

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