Monday, January 22, 2018

Rapidly gaining (or losing) a ton of weight can drastically mess with your body

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Man standing on scale

Not many of us can be on-target with our eating and exercising every single day of the year. It’s mentally taxing. Working out and eating right all the time can leave you itching for a day of sloth and gluttony, which is normal operating procedure for most humans. That’s why cheat meals and off days are important: They help psychologically (with deprivation) and physiologically (with rest and recovery).

But while we've all indulged in the occasional cheat day, it’s important to keep your bodyweight fairly consistent—or, if you're trying to lose weight, to do so gradually. We know it's tempting to drop all of your body fat all at once. But losing weight too quickly or too slowly can create dramatic changes within the body—and your body can't always recover, according to recent research from Stanford University Medical Center.


The small study, which was initiated to investigate people with pre-diabetic symptoms, looked at baseline levels of gene expression,...

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Have you heard about Carb Cycling for extreme fat burning?  

Rapidly gaining (or losing) a ton of weight can drastically mess with your body was originally posted by Ketogenic Diet

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